Ubuntu Core image

Hi there,

I’m wondering what would it take to compile a ubuntu core image for the RADXA zero series.

Thank you for your time


here are 2 ubuntu image I build for radxa zero. you can have a try.

Desktop version: https://github.com/blknit/ubuntu-for-arm/releases/download/v0.0.1/ubuntu-22.04.2-preinstalled-desktop-radxa-zero.img.xz
No Desktop version: https://github.com/blknit/ubuntu-for-arm/releases/download/v0.0.1/ubuntu-22.04.2-preinstalled-server-radxa-zero.img.xz

Hi bknt,

Thank you for these images.

These are regular ubuntu images, i was talking more about the ubuntu core os:

this is a image more focused on IOT.

do you know how one would compile this image on the radxa ?

Thank your very much for your time