Ubuntu 24.04 don't install

Hi. I had the bad idea of ​​buying the RockPiX, which unfortunately didn’t live up to expectations. Now I wanted to install the new version of Ubuntu LTS, 24.04, but it crashes while loading. Do you have any advice on which OS to install? Or should I put it in a drawer?
Thank you

I don’t have the same board, so I can’t say exactly why you’re experiencing this issue. However, one thing to check is your power supply. It needs to be very stable, especially if you’re using an NVMe drive (assuming your board supports it). An unstable power supply can cause problems regardless of the board.

I recommend connecting to the debug port and checking where the boot process is hanging. Without that information, it’s difficult for anyone to provide specific guidance on the issue.

You can try Ubuntu 22.04 or Win10, both verified

Thanks everyone. I booted into safe mode and managed to install it. Apart from the exaggerated slowness… There’s always the usual problem… If the HDMI isn’t connected, the teamviewer doesn’t work either…

Do you have cooling for the CPU? When the CPU is overheated, it will reduce the frequency

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The card has its own heatsink. But the problem is that with the new version of Ubuntu, the script to make it work even without an HDMI cable connected no longer works…

I have installed ubuntu 24.04 with HDMI monitor, it’s working.
I am not familiar with the script you are talking, without hdmi connected