I’ve observed below problems with current image of Ubuntu.
Linux rock 5.10.103+ #rockchip
- sometimes not booting without an external reason, need to restart (power off and on)
- LCD does not work properly - resolution is by default set to not-readable text (too high), no way to set proper resolution (kernel params, /etc/default/console-setup and rebuild initrd, and few others), with earlier 4.4.154 kernel there was no problems at all
- temperature sensor DS18B20 not detected (since 4.4.154)
- need a way to disable Bluetooth completely
- need a way to disable Wi-Fi completely
- system is getting up few minutes till SSH connection acceptance
You may add any seen problems.
I was missing: rsyslog, man-db, cron - in the provided system image.
What I have also done to remove errors and make system more alive:
apt install crda man-db rsyslog whoopsie cron //these were missing
apt purge blueman // I don't need GTK+ Bluetooth manager
apt purge cups // I don't need Common Unix Printing System
apt purge libblockdev2
apt purge udisks2
apt purge usbmount // somebody would need that, not me
disable ntp service // I have ntpdate in crontab
disable wi-fi
disable winbind service // was giving some errors
systemctl disable bluetooth.service