@icecream95 are the cpu calcs for cpu and not neon as we can test that also.
GpuAcc = Gpu, CpuAcc = Really is Neon, CpuRef = Cpu
I slept and had a look at the code and thought it would be easy.
It processes all audio into an array 1st so you may think has froze and then just runs the model.
python3 run_audio_file.py --audio_file_path samples/hp0.wav --model_file_path tflite_int8/wav2letter_int8.tflite --preferred_backends CpuAcc CpuRef
cpu seems to take approx 05.517623s and approx 45% load
gpu seems to take approx :06.291094 and approx 5% cpu load 75% gpu load
That is with a hacky python script feeding it but now very little in the inference loop.
There is some overhead of armnn and opencl but this is exactly what I wanted to check.
The rk3588 really is a power house for ml as its Mali mp4 is almost a perfect match for CPU
So we can run 2x models that are approx 2x the load of current and would be interesting to see how the mali also reacts with bigger models.
I had a go with tensorflow TTS as its a much heavier load but working out how to slot in armnn and the quantisation specifics is going to be bigger dev chore than what the above can demo.
# Copyright © 2021 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Automatic speech recognition with PyArmNN demo for processing audio clips to text."""
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import psutil
import soundfile as sf
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(script_dir, '..', 'common'))
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from network_executor import ArmnnNetworkExecutor
from utils import prepare_input_data
from audio_capture import AudioCaptureParams, capture_audio
from audio_utils import decode_text, display_text
from wav2letter_mfcc import Wav2LetterMFCC, W2LAudioPreprocessor
from mfcc import MFCCParams
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Model Specific Labels
labels = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i', 9: 'j', 10: 'k', 11: 'l', 12: 'm',
13: 'n',
14: 'o', 15: 'p', 16: 'q', 17: 'r', 18: 's', 19: 't', 20: 'u', 21: 'v', 22: 'w', 23: 'x', 24: 'y',
25: 'z',
26: "'", 27: ' ', 28: '$'}
def time_float(result):
seconds = int(result)
microseconds = int((result * 1000000) % 1000000)
output = timedelta(0, seconds, microseconds)
return output
def parse_args():
parser = ArgumentParser(description="ASR with PyArmNN")
help="Path to the audio file to perform ASR",
help="Path to ASR model to use",
default=["GpuAcc", "CpuAcc", "CpuRef"],
help="""List of backends in order of preference for optimizing
subgraphs, falling back to the next backend in the list on unsupported
layers. Defaults to [GpuAcc, CpuAcc, CpuRef]""",
return parser.parse_args()
def main(args, network, input_data):
current_r_context = ""
is_first_window = True
avg_cpu = 0.0
for input_chunk in input_data:
# Run inference
output_result = network.run([input_chunk])
# Slice and Decode the text, and store the right context
current_r_context, text = decode_text(is_first_window, labels, output_result)
is_first_window = False
runtime = datetime.now() - starttime
print(" " + str(runtime))
avg_cpu = avg_cpu + psutil.cpu_percent()
print(current_r_context, flush=True)
print("Inference End: Avg CPU%=" + str(avg_cpu / len(input_data)))
return runtime
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
# Create the ArmNN inference runner
network = ArmnnNetworkExecutor(args.model_file_path, args.preferred_backends)
# Read command line args
audio_file = args.audio_file_path
sf_data, samplerate = sf.read(audio_file)
sf_secs = time_float((len(sf_data) / samplerate))
# Specify model specific audio data requirements
audio_capture_params = AudioCaptureParams(dtype=np.float32, overlap=31712, min_samples=47712, sampling_freq=16000,
buffer = capture_audio(audio_file, audio_capture_params)
# Extract features and create the preprocessor
mfcc_params = MFCCParams(sampling_freq=16000, num_fbank_bins=128, mel_lo_freq=0, mel_hi_freq=8000,
num_mfcc_feats=13, frame_len=512, use_htk_method=False, n_fft=512)
wmfcc = Wav2LetterMFCC(mfcc_params)
preprocessor = W2LAudioPreprocessor(wmfcc, model_input_size=296, stride=160)
print("Processing Audio Frames...")
input_data = []
for audio_data in buffer:
# Prepare the input Tensors
input_data.append(prepare_input_data(audio_data, network.get_data_type(), network.get_input_quantization_scale(0),
network.get_input_quantization_offset(0), preprocessor))
starttime = datetime.now()
runtime = main(args, network, input_data)
print("Runtime=" + str(runtime))
print("Realtime=x" + str(sf_secs / runtime))
starttime = datetime.now()
runtime = main(args, network, input_data)
print("Runtime=" + str(runtime))
print("Realtime=x" + str(sf_secs / runtime))
rock@rock-5b:~/workspace/armnn/python/pyarmnn/examples/speech_recognition$ python3 run_audio_file.py --audio_file_path samples/hp0.wav --model_file_path tflite_int8/wav2letter_int8.tflite --preferred_backends CpuAcc CpuRef
Your ArmNN library instance does not support Onnx models parser functionality. Skipped IOnnxParser import.
Can't load libOpenCL.so: libOpenCL.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Can't load libGLES_mali.so: libGLES_mali.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
arm_release_ver of this libmali is 'g6p0-01eac0', rk_so_ver is '5'.
Preferred backends: ['CpuAcc', 'CpuRef']
IDeviceSpec { supportedBackends: [CpuAcc, CpuRef, GpuAcc]}
Optimization warnings: ()
Processing Audio Frames...
henry f 0:00:00.039640
phillips 0:00:00.081647
from wic 0:00:00.111952
epedeia 0:00:00.134524
the free ind cy 0:00:00.153441
ycliopedioa 0:00:00.172588
at e 0:00:00.191404
and d 0:00:00.210939
ot we cud 0:00:00.230029
pedia tha 0:00:00.248594
t org 0:00:00.266827
henry 0:00:00.305864
f philip 0:00:00.324896
s 0:00:00.344135
from 0:00:00.363412
wickepedia 0:00:00.381937
the freie andcyclo 0:00:00.401530
opedia 0:00:00.420985
henry afh 0:00:00.458467
e philips 0:00:00.477728
eighteen ni 0:00:00.495774
ney to nin 0:00:00.513933
neteen fifty e 0:00:00.532492
ight 0:00:00.551160
a youas 0:00:00.570730
businessman 0:00:00.589955
from portland 0:00:00.608142
d or again 0:00:00.627386
a 0:00:00.645696
s the honor 0:00:00.664017
of having the phi 0:00:00.683096
lip's head scre 0:00:00.702685
w and sc 0:00:00.730444
crew driver 0:00:00.752651
named ater hi 0:00:00.774348
m 0:00:00.793570
the importance 0:00:00.831017
of the cross had i 0:00:00.849545
screw design 0:00:00.868613
lies 0:00:00.887060
in its t self ce 0:00:00.908571
entering property 0:00:00.927869
y u 0:00:00.946793
useful on ad 0:00:00.964844
imated production 0:00:00.984788
n lines t 0:00:01.003689
he use powered 0:00:01.022886
d screw drivers 0:00:01.044580
philip 0:00:01.085195
's major contrib 0:00:01.105548
bution was i 0:00:01.124491
n driving the cro 0:00:01.142652
oss head concept 0:00:01.163555
forward 0:00:01.182046
to the point 0:00:01.220041
where it was a 0:00:01.256361
dopted by scre 0:00:01.278730
ew makers an 0:00:01.298773
nd automabiele c 0:00:01.317458
companiese 0:00:01.336092
although he recei 0:00:01.373344
ved patents for the 0:00:01.391744
design in 0:00:01.410014
nineten thirty 0:00:01.428450
six 0:00:01.449285
you as pate 0:00:01.467786
nt number 0:00:01.486576
to million 0:00:01.505696
forty six 0:00:01.535174
x thousand 0:00:01.563460
three hundred f 0:00:01.586442
forty three 0:00:01.606334
you es 0:00:01.625209
patents t 0:00:01.643606
oo million 0:00:01.661801
forty six thou 0:00:01.681349
usand aig 0:00:01.701606
he hundred thirty se 0:00:01.734885
ven to t 0:00:01.758276
two million 0:00:01.778433
forty six thou 0:00:01.797458
sand eight 0:00:01.815965
hundered forty 0:00:01.835066
it was so wi 0:00:01.871975
dely copied 0:00:01.890931
that by nin 0:00:01.909609
neteen forty ni 0:00:01.928052
ne phili 0:00:01.946818
ips lost his p 0:00:01.965393
partent 0:00:01.983982
the american 0:00:02.024593
screw company 0:00:02.045068
was respon 0:00:02.076243
nsible for devis 0:00:02.105305
sing a means 0:00:02.126591
of manufactu 0:00:02.145923
ring the screw 0:00:02.164145
and 0:00:02.182812
successfully pa 0:00:02.204005
tented and 0:00:02.222751
licence that the are 0:00:02.241392
method 0:00:02.260188
o 0:00:02.278339
others screw makers 0:00:02.298520
of the nineteen h th 0:00:02.316845
hirties dis 0:00:02.335092
missed the phillip's c 0:00:02.353498
concept 0:00:02.371793
since it calls for 0:00:02.389805
relatively co 0:00:02.411886
mplex r 0:00:02.430947
resisets ocke 0:00:02.450992
et sheepe i 0:00:02.470813
in the head of the scr 0:00:02.489585
rew 0:00:02.507690
as disti 0:00:02.526146
inct from the simple 0:00:02.544312
e milled slaught 0:00:02.562836
of a slaugh 0:00:02.583057
hted type scre 0:00:02.612682
w 0:00:02.642730
the philip' 0:00:02.666383
s screw compa 0:00:02.686970
any and 0:00:02.705801
the american sc 0:00:02.723954
rew company 0:00:02.743269
went on 0:00:02.761700
to devise 0:00:02.779779
the posi drive 0:00:02.799883
e screw 0:00:02.818531
which 0:00:02.837064
differs from the ph 0:00:02.855034
hilips 0:00:02.873806
in that it is de 0:00:02.897096
signed to accomo 0:00:02.917923
dae greaterd t 0:00:02.938485
ork than the phi 0:00:02.957239
lips 0:00:02.976965
and image a 0:00:03.014475
companied this arti 0:00:03.033712
icol 0:00:03.071588
caption 0:00:03.109826
philips 0:00:03.139520
screw head 0:00:03.161752
the followin 0:00:03.218120
g is an infu bo 0:00:03.236750
x which ac 0:00:03.256835
ccompanies this ar 0:00:03.276173
rticle 0:00:03.294907
in 0:00:03.313449
fu box 0:00:03.332069
part o thes 0:00:03.350309
series un 0:00:03.369606
screw drive 0:00:03.388178
types 0:00:03.406281
slaughted 0:00:03.444362
commonl 0:00:03.462749
y eroneou 0:00:03.481221
usly fla 0:00:03.500575
athead 0:00:03.519235
phylips 0:00:03.560982
cross he 0:00:03.583342
ad 0:00:03.603654
pasierive 0:00:03.643562
super 0:00:03.662293
drive 0:00:03.680999
tokgs 0:00:03.718740
ha 0:00:03.756135
cx a 0:00:03.776041
len 0:00:03.794814
roberts son 0:00:03.836249
try wing 0:00:03.893283
tark 0:00:03.936371
set 0:00:03.954823
span er head 0:00:03.991776
triple square 0:00:04.051670
e ex 0:00:04.070651
sy nd 0:00:04.093896
ot 0:00:04.137063
hers 0:00:04.155997
polly drives 0:00:04.174308
sp 0:00:04.193733
linmde drive 0:00:04.212975
double 0:00:04.231921
e hacks 0:00:04.250232
many images ac 0:00:04.287337
ccompanyed this in 0:00:04.305945
pu box 0:00:04.326572
this 0:00:04.345428
page was last 0:00:04.363623
t modified 0:00:04.382075
on the ninth of va 0:00:04.400191
april two 0:00:04.418365
thousand aeight 0:00:04.437033
at s 0:00:04.455600
seventeen o 0:00:04.474167
for 0:00:04.492340
all te 0:00:04.530033
xt as avaivlable 0:00:04.549138
under the term 0:00:04.595112
ms of thei ganew 0:00:04.630920
free document 0:00:04.650296
tation licens 0:00:04.668415
sea 0:00:04.686839
copyrites 0:00:04.705349
for details 0:00:04.725088
wichpedia 0:00:04.766718
is aregister 0:00:04.786224
n trade mark 0:00:04.804714
of the wikie mmede 0:00:04.822999
ea foundation 0:00:04.841733
incorporated 0:00:04.859885
a 0:00:04.878413
eu as registrud 0:00:04.897591
d fival 0:00:04.921186
one sea 0:00:04.942560
three 0:00:04.961235
tax theductable 0:00:04.979391
non profhet c 0:00:04.997482
harity 0:00:05.016022
this sound fi 0:00:05.054727
le and all 0:00:05.076378
text in the artic 0:00:05.097072
cle or li 0:00:05.115830
cense under 0:00:05.134143
the thenew fre 0:00:05.152953
e documentation 0:00:05.171724
n license 0:00:05.190068
availabl 0:00:05.212038
le at 0:00:05.231690
oubl you doubleyou 0:00:05.250553
dw do 0:00:05.270274
t g 0:00:05.290077
and you 0:00:05.308365
u dot 0:00:05.327549
horg 0:00:05.345873
slash 0:00:05.364095
cope left 0:00:05.382992
slash 0:00:05.401753
f dee 0:00:05.420065
d el 0:00:05.439199
dout each t 0:00:05.457707
ea m l 0:00:05.476005
Inference End: Avg CPU% 44.152573529411804
henry f 0:00:00.029676
phillips 0:00:00.054872
from wic 0:00:00.076020
epedeia 0:00:00.094366
the free ind cy 0:00:00.114368
ycliopedioa 0:00:00.133422
at e 0:00:00.152289
and d 0:00:00.183105
ot we cud 0:00:00.207808
pedia tha 0:00:00.229333
t org 0:00:00.250968
henry 0:00:00.288826
f philip 0:00:00.308294
s 0:00:00.326518
from 0:00:00.347068
wickepedia 0:00:00.371150
the freie andcyclo 0:00:00.393486
opedia 0:00:00.414678
henry afh 0:00:00.452419
e philips 0:00:00.479387
eighteen ni 0:00:00.505646
ney to nin 0:00:00.528157
neteen fifty e 0:00:00.549082
ight 0:00:00.568212
a youas 0:00:00.587044
businessman 0:00:00.610898
from portland 0:00:00.632699
d or again 0:00:00.652812
a 0:00:00.672068
s the honor 0:00:00.692313
of having the phi 0:00:00.711468
lip's head scre 0:00:00.730892
w and sc 0:00:00.749864
crew driver 0:00:00.768192
named ater hi 0:00:00.786391
m 0:00:00.804390
the importance 0:00:00.840970
of the cross had i 0:00:00.860126
screw design 0:00:00.879214
lies 0:00:00.897920
in its t self ce 0:00:00.917412
entering property 0:00:00.935788
y u 0:00:00.954098
useful on ad 0:00:00.973072
imated production 0:00:00.992050
n lines t 0:00:01.010948
he use powered 0:00:01.030059
d screw drivers 0:00:01.048675
philip 0:00:01.085260
's major contrib 0:00:01.104387
bution was i 0:00:01.122887
n driving the cro 0:00:01.141004
oss head concept 0:00:01.159672
forward 0:00:01.177971
to the point 0:00:01.196020
where it was a 0:00:01.214700
dopted by scre 0:00:01.233585
ew makers an 0:00:01.254226
nd automabiele c 0:00:01.273182
companiese 0:00:01.291665
although he recei 0:00:01.328732
ved patents for the 0:00:01.347082
design in 0:00:01.365269
nineten thirty 0:00:01.384728
six 0:00:01.403558
you as pate 0:00:01.422254
nt number 0:00:01.440639
to million 0:00:01.458886
forty six 0:00:01.477751
x thousand 0:00:01.496483
three hundred f 0:00:01.515026
forty three 0:00:01.533806
you es 0:00:01.552109
patents t 0:00:01.570447
oo million 0:00:01.589292
forty six thou 0:00:01.608702
usand aig 0:00:01.628919
he hundred thirty se 0:00:01.647763
ven to t 0:00:01.666474
two million 0:00:01.685872
forty six thou 0:00:01.718653
sand eight 0:00:01.746268
hundered forty 0:00:01.765286
it was so wi 0:00:01.803680
dely copied 0:00:01.827649
that by nin 0:00:01.848720
neteen forty ni 0:00:01.867413
ne phili 0:00:01.888695
ips lost his p 0:00:01.907449
partent 0:00:01.926010
the american 0:00:01.963833
screw company 0:00:01.982087
was respon 0:00:02.003408
nsible for devis 0:00:02.023105
sing a means 0:00:02.042951
of manufactu 0:00:02.062428
ring the screw 0:00:02.083601
and 0:00:02.104128
successfully pa 0:00:02.123177
tented and 0:00:02.141869
licence that the are 0:00:02.160193
method 0:00:02.181144
o 0:00:02.200624
others screw makers 0:00:02.219218
of the nineteen h th 0:00:02.237288
hirties dis 0:00:02.255883
missed the phillip's c 0:00:02.274358
concept 0:00:02.294018
since it calls for 0:00:02.312455
relatively co 0:00:02.330471
mplex r 0:00:02.349534
resisets ocke 0:00:02.367540
et sheepe i 0:00:02.387564
in the head of the scr 0:00:02.405687
rew 0:00:02.423716
as disti 0:00:02.442485
inct from the simple 0:00:02.461059
e milled slaught 0:00:02.482157
of a slaugh 0:00:02.500962
hted type scre 0:00:02.521853
w 0:00:02.542050
the philip' 0:00:02.561338
s screw compa 0:00:02.580732
any and 0:00:02.607533
the american sc 0:00:02.630970
rew company 0:00:02.649956
went on 0:00:02.668940
to devise 0:00:02.687399
the posi drive 0:00:02.706255
e screw 0:00:02.737116
which 0:00:02.761253
differs from the ph 0:00:02.783470
hilips 0:00:02.801990
in that it is de 0:00:02.820875
signed to accomo 0:00:02.841162
dae greaterd t 0:00:02.860114
ork than the phi 0:00:02.878703
lips 0:00:02.897341
and image a 0:00:02.934287
companied this arti 0:00:02.952481
icol 0:00:02.971039
caption 0:00:02.990690
philips 0:00:03.010994
screw head 0:00:03.029708
the followin 0:00:03.086644
g is an infu bo 0:00:03.105915
x which ac 0:00:03.124921
ccompanies this ar 0:00:03.143613
rticle 0:00:03.162389
in 0:00:03.180519
fu box 0:00:03.199188
part o thes 0:00:03.217988
series un 0:00:03.236804
screw drive 0:00:03.255463
types 0:00:03.273704
slaughted 0:00:03.310921
commonl 0:00:03.329144
y eroneou 0:00:03.347206
usly fla 0:00:03.366471
athead 0:00:03.386305
phylips 0:00:03.423253
cross he 0:00:03.445383
ad 0:00:03.466505
pasierive 0:00:03.504122
super 0:00:03.522533
drive 0:00:03.541154
tokgs 0:00:03.578647
ha 0:00:03.618935
cx a 0:00:03.637462
len 0:00:03.656392
roberts son 0:00:03.694608
try wing 0:00:03.761281
tark 0:00:03.802532
set 0:00:03.821357
span er head 0:00:03.859893
triple square 0:00:03.915424
e ex 0:00:03.934438
sy nd 0:00:03.952991
ot 0:00:03.991752
hers 0:00:04.011104
polly drives 0:00:04.030115
sp 0:00:04.048891
linmde drive 0:00:04.067864
double 0:00:04.086988
e hacks 0:00:04.106561
many images ac 0:00:04.143887
ccompanyed this in 0:00:04.162591
pu box 0:00:04.181225
this 0:00:04.200282
page was last 0:00:04.219203
t modified 0:00:04.237694
on the ninth of va 0:00:04.258145
april two 0:00:04.276569
thousand aeight 0:00:04.294845
at s 0:00:04.313113
seventeen o 0:00:04.332516
for 0:00:04.380070
all te 0:00:04.438166
xt as avaivlable 0:00:04.457145
under the term 0:00:04.475252
ms of thei ganew 0:00:04.494399
free document 0:00:04.512919
tation licens 0:00:04.531204
sea 0:00:04.552007
copyrites 0:00:04.570451
for details 0:00:04.588813
wichpedia 0:00:04.627385
is aregister 0:00:04.646055
n trade mark 0:00:04.682055
of the wikie mmede 0:00:04.709029
ea foundation 0:00:04.730148
incorporated 0:00:04.749153
a 0:00:04.767656
eu as registrud 0:00:04.786193
d fival 0:00:04.806515
one sea 0:00:04.839423
three 0:00:04.877059
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