To create an SD with radxa Os

To create an SD with the Linux operating system for the radxa in Windows I used usbimager 1.0.10 because the program recommended by the tutorial would not let me install it in Windows 10, the steps to follow:
CMD as administrator
List disk
Select disk N’
Create primary partition
Format fs=fat32

Can’t you use balenaEtcher? As far as I know it works fine on win10. Does it report any errors?

I’ve used BalenaEtcher for Armbian desktop image (radxa-zero3_debian_bullseye_xfce_b6.img.xz) without any problem.
I’d to use RUFUS instead for dietpi image (DietPi_RadxaZERO3-ARMv8-Bookworm.img.xz) because with BalenaEtcher i got burning error.

I don’t know why but with Armbian cpu reports maximum goes 1.4MHz, with dietPi 1.8 (and also sports GPU optimized Panfrost drivers)