For those, want to maximize the strength of all cpu cores,
This is a good way for monitor.
1. Install conky
sudo apt install -y conky cpufrequtils
2 Config it always running in background .conkyrc
$ export NETWORK_INTERFACE=wlan0
$ cat << EOF > ~/.conkyrc
conky.config = {
use_spacer = ‘left’,
pad_percents = 3,
background = false,
double_buffer = true,
font = ‘DejaVu Sans Mono:size=10’,
use_xft = true,
alignment = ‘top_right’,
gap_x = 10,
gap_y = 40,
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_argb_value = 0,
own_window_type = ‘normal’,
own_window_hints = ‘undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,sticky’,
own_window = true,
update_interval = 1.5,
conky.text = [[
\${color orange}Hostname: \${color}\${nodename}
\${color orange}Kernel: \${color}\${sysname} \${kernel} on \${machine}
\${color orange}Uptime: \${color}\${uptime}
\${exec /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable}
\${color orange}Core1:\${color} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "current CPU frequency is " | sed -e “s/current CPU frequency is //” | sed -n 1p} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "hardware limits: " | sed -e “s/hardware limits: //” | sed -n 1p}\${color} \${cpu cpu1}% \${cpubar cpu1}
\${color orange}Core2:\${color} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "current CPU frequency is " | sed -e “s/current CPU frequency is //” | sed -n 2p} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "hardware limits: " | sed -e “s/hardware limits: //” | sed -n 2p}\${color} \${cpu cpu2}% \${cpubar cpu2}
\${color orange}Core3:\${color} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "current CPU frequency is " | sed -e “s/current CPU frequency is //” | sed -n 3p} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "hardware limits: " | sed -e “s/hardware limits: //” | sed -n 3p}\${color} \${cpu cpu3}% \${cpubar cpu3}
\${color orange}Core4:\${color} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "current CPU frequency is " | sed -e “s/current CPU frequency is //” | sed -n 4p} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "hardware limits: " | sed -e “s/hardware limits: //” | sed -n 4p}\${color} \${cpu cpu4}% \${cpubar cpu4}
\${color orange}Core5:\${color} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "current CPU frequency is " | sed -e “s/current CPU frequency is //” | sed -n 5p} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "hardware limits: " | sed -e “s/hardware limits: //” | sed -n 5p}\${color} \${cpu cpu5}% \${cpubar cpu5}
\${color orange}Core6:\${color} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "current CPU frequency is " | sed -e “s/current CPU frequency is //” | sed -n 6p} \${exec cpufreq-info | grep "hardware limits: " | sed -e “s/hardware limits: //” | sed -n 6p}\${color} \${cpu cpu6}% \${cpubar cpu6}
\${color orange}Name PID CPU% MEM%
\${color lightgrey} \${top name 1} \${top pid 1} \${top cpu 1} \${top mem 1}
\${color lightgrey} \${top name 2} \${top pid 2} \${top cpu 2} \${top mem 2}
\${color lightgrey} \${top name 3} \${top pid 3} \${top cpu 3} \${top mem 3}
\${color lightgrey} \${top name 4} \${top pid 4} \${top cpu 4} \${top mem 4}
\${color orange}Load average: \${color}\${loadavg}
\${color orange}Processes: \${color}\${processes} \\
\${color orange}Running:\${color} \${running_processes}
\${color orange}RAM: \${color}\${mem}/\${memmax}
\${memperc}% \${membar 4}
\${color orange}Swap: \${color}\${swap}/\${swapmax}
\${swapperc}% \${swapbar 4}
\${color orange}/ \${color}\${fs_used /}/\${fs_size /} \${fs_bar 6 /}
\${color orange}IP: \${color}\${addr ${NETWORK_INTERFACE}}
\${color orange}Up: \${color}\${upspeed ${NETWORK_INTERFACE}}
\${color orange}Down: \${color}\${downspeed ${NETWORK_INTERFACE}}
3 Auto start config
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
$ cat << EOF > ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
4 Reboot
$ sudo reboot
This is what you can see, after rebooting
Good luck everyone!