Switching between HDMI YCBCR420 vs RGB modes makes no difference?

Does switching between RGB and YCBCR420 actually work for anyone when using HDMI?

It seems that running xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set color_format "ycbcr420" or xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set color_format "rgb" makes no difference, but the output is permanently stuck in ycbcr420 mode with subsampled chroma, unless i force the HDMI output mode to DVI with xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set output_hdmi_dvi "force_dvi", but then the HDMI audio doesn’t work.

xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set color_format "ycbcr444" seems to make some difference and causes color corruption to appear on screen for few frames before it switches to respective mode, but there still seems to be subsampling artifacts compared to forced DVI rgb mode.

And another thing, is multichannel audio via HDMI supposed to work? There doesn’t seem to be any other option in Pulseaudio profiles for HDMI than “Analog Stereo”, and compressed audio passthrough doesn’t seem to work either.

I’m using this as a test pattern and many lines are pretty much unreadable without forced dvi mode.