Strange error boot with debian

hi, everyone.

I recently bought a ROCK 4 C+ 4 Go. I’m trying to install Debian desk on it.
After 4 hours of relentlessness it still does not work.
I noticed that I only have results with Debian. With all other os i have black screens (ubuntu desk, ubuntu server, rasberry pi os …).
Usb not work. I use sd card for boot.

After a few seconds:

Again after a few seconds:

pls help me …

have you tried accessing via TTY ? [crtl+alt+f3] ?
have you tried to use different DesktopManager( lightdm, slim, sddc, kdm ) ?
could you share the partitions of the image ? it seems that while booting, it has not enough ram and is seeking swap to write to… I might wrong also.

I think my usb port don’t work. I can’t do [crtl+alt+f3].
I do not know what is DesktopManager.

i use this img

i use the img of debian on this website.
Rock4/downloads - Radxa Wiki

I also tried the rasberry pi tool for flah my sd card.
I have the same result with debian.

Try Armbian and make sure to find verstion for 4c+

it’s work ! thanks !

But i don’t have wifi on armbian-config ? i can connect to wifi ?

Armbian related questions is better to resolve at their forum

ok, no problem.

thanks :+1: