Slow CPU fan speed

nope I do not use it

Sorry I do not understand what I need to put into

use this as
find log in /var/log/fan.log
be not surprised when it is hourly cleared to 0 by cron

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import time
import misc
import syslog
import pigpio  # pylint: disable=import-error
from pathlib import Path
import logging

logging.basicConfig(filename='/var/log/fan.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')

pattern = re.compile(r't=(\d+)\n$')

class MockPigpio:
    def pi(cls):
            host = misc.check_output("netstat -l | grep -o '\S*:8888' | tr -d ':8888'")
            gpio = pigpio.pi(host=host)
        except Exception:
            gpio = cls()
        return gpio

    def __init__(self):
        syslog.syslog('PWM of pigpio is not available. Use on/off to control the fan.')
        syslog.syslog('If you use pre-release kernel, please go back to stable release.')

    def hardware_PWM(self, pin, _, dc):
        misc.set_mode(pin, bool(dc))

gpio = MockPigpio.pi()

# t1: sensor_temp, t2: cpu_temp
def read_temp(cache={}):
    w1_slave = cache.get('w1_slave')
    if not w1_slave:
            w1_slave = next(Path('/sys/bus/w1/devices/').glob('28*/w1_slave'))
        except Exception:
            w1_slave = 'not exist'
        cache['w1_slave'] = w1_slave

    if w1_slave == 'not exist':
        t1 = 42
        with open(w1_slave) as f:
            t1 = int([0]) / 1000.0

    with open('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp') as f:
        t2 = int( / 1000.0'cpu: ' + str(t2) + ', hdd: '+str(t1 - 20))
    return max(t1, t2)
#    return t1

def turn_off():
    misc.conf['run'].value = 0
    gpio.hardware_PWM(12, 0, 0)
    gpio.hardware_PWM(13, 0, 0)

def get_dc(cache={}):
    if not(misc.conf['run'].value):
        return 0

    if time.time() - cache.get('time', 0) > 60:
        cache['time'] = time.time()
        cache['dc'] = misc.fan_temp2dc(read_temp())

    return cache['dc']

def change_dc(dc, cache={}):
    if dc != cache.get('dc'):
        cache['dc'] = dc
        gpio.hardware_PWM(12, 25000, dc * 10000)
        gpio.hardware_PWM(13, 25000, dc * 10000)'TEST'+str(dc*1))

def running():
    while True:

I tried it with newest image of DietPi 7.8.2 with ARMv8 and this is my findings.
/etc/rockpi-sata.conf has these values
lv0 = 35
lv1 = 40
lv2 = 45
lv3 = 50

and there is output from log
21.11.2021 18:40:22 cpu: 10.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:40:22 TEST50
21.11.2021 18:41:22 cpu: 10.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:42:22 cpu: 40.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:43:22 cpu: 40.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:44:22 cpu: 50.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:44:22 TEST100
21.11.2021 18:45:22 cpu: 20.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:45:22 TEST50
21.11.2021 18:46:22 cpu: 46.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:46:22 TEST75
21.11.2021 18:47:22 cpu: 1.0, hdd: 22
21.11.2021 18:47:22 TEST50

So it looks like it can not run under 50% only for 50, 75 or 100%
But in 100% for me is slow I can’t feel fresh wind behind the fan.

I have old fan from RPi3 but it hasn’t PWM it is much faster and make much more noise but it not interested me because it is in garage :smiley: