I am a Newbie working with SBCs, I have been planning on buying the 5B+ and my use case requires me to have Internet Connectivity using Mobile Data from a SIM Card. Now, I have no experience working with any LTE Module. I only have some basic Linux Knowledge and experience with Micro-Controllers. I would like some guidance on Configuring the Mobile Data through SIM Card.
Thanks in Advance
SIM Card Connectivity on Roc 5B+
The B key documentation for ROCK 5B+ is not available at the moment, but for now you can refer to this document.
So for the Rockpi5B+ you still need that B key card addon? I thought it was onboard already.
Yes, this also requires an external 4G module or other communication module.
Ok so I buy an external modem with 4G but that already comes with LTE card slot? Then what do I need the Rockpis LTE for ? Or am I misunderstanding something? I am quite new to this system.
Can I buy a m.2 slot 4G module or does it have to be external.
I was hoping to avoid having more hardware and just add two antennas to the Rockpi and be online.
All you need is an external SIM card and a B key Module.
Ok I already put in a LTE simcard from my ISP so I will try and find out what a B key Module is then Thank you.
Is it this?
Please point me in the right direction these things are probably not cheap.
Maybe you have an aliexpress link to what I need ? thank you
We have test Mobile LTE EM05-CE module on Radxa ROCK 5B+.
[quote=“Nasca, post:8, topic:25805”]
Mobile LTE EM05-CE
Ok thank you Nasca
So if I buy that and install it I can go online in Armbian ?
And what software do I need to install to use the LTE simcard after that?
Sorry for all the questions but I have tried finding answers and there is almost nothing about the Rockpi5B+
I’m not so sure, but you can use it on our Radxa Debian 12 and Joshua Ubuntu.
We have similar topic in different thread. Rock 5B+ WWAN Support [Hardware bug]
I tested Radxa 5B+ with two cheap modems (LTE and even 5G) and few different kernels. You should definitely find this useful.
I definatly will thank you.
Edit: Checked it out but I fear it is above my linux level. I checked the collabora but I am already lost haha