Setting up Raspberry PI Camera with Rock-PI 4


i’m trying to setup a Raspberry PI Camera module (V1) to support 3D-printing (with Repetier-Server). I am using a Rock-PI 4B.

I have followed this Guide to setup the RPI-Camera hardware.
I have used the intfc:dtoverlay=ov5647 module, as this seems to be the correct one for the “old” camera module.
Afterwards i setup the MJPG-Streamer according to this instructions:
https ://

As it seems, using the RPI-Camera i needed to install the vcgencmd. I couldn’t use any precompiled libraries, as it seems those are only available in “real” RPI-Repos. I have used this instructions to clone the vcgencmd source, compile and install it:

If i now try to start the mjpg_streamer service i get the following status:

● mjpg_streamer.service - mjpg_streamer for picam
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mjpg_streamer.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Fri 2022-07-29 09:40:25 CEST; 1min 47s ago
  Process: 447 ExecStart=/usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/startAllCams (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 447 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Jul 29 09:40:25 rockpi4b systemd[1]: Started mjpg_streamer for picam.
Jul 29 09:40:25 rockpi4b startAllCams[447]: Start from directory /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin
Jul 29 09:40:25 rockpi4b startAllCams[447]: VCHI initialization failed

Any idea what could be missing?

I’m still not sure if i can use the RPI camera with the rock pi. If i try to open any video device /dev/video0…video3 with VLC on the Xfce-Desktop i get the following error:


Unfortunately it’s in german. But it translates to “your device could not be opened. VLC can’t open the media address…”