I have flashed Debian to my M.2 SSD, which worked fine. I have now made a mistake which is causing the OS to not boot and I would like to re-flash the SSD with a fresh image. Whenever I insert a MicroSD card, the Rock Pi 4 keeps trying to boot from the SSD, even though I have a good image on the MicroSD card. Is it possible to make the Rock Pi boot from the MicroSD card, with the M.2 SSD still connected, so I can re-flash the SSD from the MicroSD card?
Set M.2 SSD As Secondary Boot Device
Unset boot flag from nvme partition
parted /dev/nvme0n1 t 5 boot p
it’s toogle flag and print new table.
And apparently it’s necessary change rootfs on SD card.
mount /dev/mmcblk0p4 /mnt/1
nano /mnt/1/extlinux/extlinux.conf
< change rootfs=PARTUUID=..... to rootfs=/dev/mmblk0p5
< save
umount /mnt/1
Then reboot
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