Select ADB or OTG Ethernet Support by GPIO

Nice to have adb (Android Debug Bridge) mechanism on the RPS (RockPI S)…

I did a little GPIO trick to help select to boot with ADB support or to boot with OTG Ethernet support, by simple placing a jumper on GPIO pin…

A little script check the pin and take actions if the jumper is there (in this case the user wants OTG Ethernet support), or, if nothing is there, the system boot with adb support…

Scripts and instructions here on Github:

This little script can be use as basis for a whole family of “GPIO INIT” collection of scripts, performing other actions by “switching GPIO jumpers”…



Great job. And the documentation is fantastic!

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It’s very helpful, nice job!

We can integrate this into the next release image build.

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Hi jack.
Nice (to think about including it on the image)…

I am thinking that perhaps we can use this same idea to create some kind of general purpose GPIO INIT SWITCH… for any kind of (possible) uses…

Things like, switch ON/OFF BT, ON/OFF WiFi, etc…

I will update this post if any new ideas comes to mind…

I have a series of notes entitled NOMONKEY (no monitor, no keyboard, no mouse), where such mechanism are considered… and since RK3308 itself does not have a high power GPU and RPS does not have a Video Out connector, a series of GPIO “boot commands” can be very helpful…


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