Are you sure?
Armbian is a build system first that generates Debian or Ubuntu based OS. There are many “Debian” builders out there and DebOS that Radxa uses is just one of many. Its certainly useful and generates some Debian like OS that you can work just fine, but … compare and visually and numbers … if you don’t want to go deeper.
The problem from this topic is related to this - adjustments and fixes to userland. You found 1st of many troubles introduced by Debian or by Radxa. Ubuntu what it does? Applies many fixes here and is already several steps further, but comes with different problems which aren’t related so I won’t go into that. Armbian goes around both and applies fixes for both.
Since Armbian uses almost the same hardware interface, we maintain our own fork of Rockchip kernel for many vendors, also for Radxa products so you have a choice when they messed up something. That part is usually the only thing that can cause issues on HW level. They might hit you, but save bugs on many others … its difficult to control this complexity, especially without sufficient resources. It is strange why would you have issues here but not with factory images. But possible, already because release time is not the same.
Android and IOS are IMO way more different then Debian vs Ubuntu vs Armbian vs DebOS. Those are all very much the same. Different is package stability, security, versions, philosophy if you want. Especially when more or less same kernel is used. On standard user level, all methods works the same. When its about HW specific function, this is not tied to OS anyway, but to the hw specific tools that are tied to a very specific kernel. This from Rockchip.
Armbian is not just DebOS + this security fix.
Like most of the problems. Just quantity of problems is large and its usually easier to re-invent the wheel.