RZero autoboot from emmc

Hello everyone!

it is already awhile I have this issue with my Radxa Zero, if was reported earlier but no solution has been found as far as I know. An issue arise when I do the following:

  1. Erase mmc0 and boot with rz-udisk-loader.bin or radxa-zero-erase-emmc.bin.
  2. Install any of the latest compatible Linux distributions (ex.: https://dl.armbian.com/radxa-zero/Noble_current_minimals)
  3. At every boot it shows the following and keeps waiting until I manually type boot command.

Any help is greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:


Hi @Sergio,
I have fixed the problem of Armbian emmc startup failure: https://github.com/CodeChenL/build/commit/12477803c5e20ea4fae0f22dc13817c8a9831deb
This is the image generated based on this change: https://mega.nz/#P!AgFTtnXUEBFmiN1aRGl496-plWTOJmw-kE-_cRfIWB2i3-Yks1OkSHsVHRRKg52r5KubUL_gToIDgZwymNXJkOzsXSXxLxB4OzxvTg9JXScbr9yeBw7cbk9Od8yvUzAQBvcRzcGjNQs
Password is: radxazero
I used this image and rebooted 200 times with success.

Hi @ChenJaly! A huge thanks for sharing with me as I’ve lost hope already to resolve this issue, each time moving back to Bullseye after the faulty install :slight_smile:

I’m gonna check your patch so maybe I would be able to fix this issue on my current setup without doing re-install. :space_invader:

You can compile Uboot software packages(deb) with armbian/build, install it on your device, and then update your bootloader with armbian-config

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