Rtop, a Rockchip performance monitor

We all know htop or jtop for the Jetson series.
Time for the same performance tool for the Rockchip RK3566/68/82/88 processors.

It comes in two flavours:
One for the original Rock OS with KDE.
And the other for the Ubuntu 22/24 OS by Joshua Riek.

The installation is simple: download the repository and run the install script.
For your convenience, the Qt5 code and the used commands are included.


Looks really nice.

Is there a text version (ala htop) for non-desktop users?

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I was thinking about the same,
I know that htop has some plugins functionality and it would be nice to get support for gpu/npu cores.

@Rients_Politiek good work :slight_smile:

BTW: is there only one temp sensor? I think at least most nvme should have additional one and when nvme is used this one is important too.
also obviously missing some network speed/transfer indicator and small/big cores label.
I think there should be some interesting information on pmic voltages.

For that u have htop dont you? lol

Yes, We have htop for that - but htop doesn’t show the NPU or GPU performance. That for me is the interesting part.


Thank you so much, love this!
Next Sophon plz :smiley:

@Rients_Politiek In new BSP kernels you will have the opportunity to show VPU utilizations.


I wanted this so I forked the code. See the solution here:

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nice work!

had done similar for the interested parties.

it fetches regulators, saradc (ie: input voltage), pwms

also hwmons, cpufreq & devfreq devices, wireless signal info, dmidata, drm data (only for i915 atm since this is the only device i have.)

Never did the rga, npu monitors since those were debugfs thought they were not reliable and subject to change, but can be expanded easily, the thing is very modular.



Thanks! I’ve incorporated your addition to the Joshua Riek Ubuntu 24.04 OS.
I’m updating the rtop app asap.