RP2040 Internet access


I have a Radxa X4 12Gb on the way and am looking forward to tinkering with the GPIO and RP2040 which I’ve never used before. One project I’m thinking of requires the RP2040 to pull a JSON file from a web server - I’m just wondering how I can give it access to the internet? I’ll be running under Windows.

Another fun project I had in mind to help my learning process was to hook up a Pimoroni Blinkt and play with the LEDs - just unsure if it will be compatible? I expect the Blinkt code provided by Pimoroni will not work, but what about using other APA102 LED code?

Here are the GPIO pins for the Radxa:

Here are the GPIO pins for the Blinkt:

I realise this discussion might be outside the scope of this forum, but welcome any pointers from those ‘in the know’ that might help me get started. Thanks!

You might want to look for a more mainstream spi\i2c Ethernet module to connect to the gpio and find a way to drive this module on the rp2040. Or write a serial communication software that forwards network requests from the rp2040 through the intel cpu.

Thanks, I’ve gone the route of writing code that will grab the JSON on the Windows side and pass it to the RP2040. I think this is probably the simplest solution. As for the Blinkt, I’m hopeful Adafruit’s Dotstar CircuitPython code can be adapted - if not there are a couple of other approaches to try. Going to play about with using the LEDs to show CPU load and temperature, just as a fun project to get started :nerd_face:

The x86 CPU can retrieve the JSON and pass it over to RP2040. The communication between the RP2040 and the Intel chip can be done through serial interface. There isn’t a newt to connect the RP2040 to the Internet if the x86 Intel CPU is already connected to the Internet.

Some basic info here: https://dphacks.com/2024/08/18/radxa-x4-the-sbc-everyone-has-been-asking-for/

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Hey Andre! Great to see you on here, I was really pleased to see your reply. I’ve recently discovered your videos and have found them really helpful and enjoyable - thank you! I’m at a point in life where I finally have some proper time to tinker again. I have the Radxa on the way and have also purchased some Raspberry Pi models (Zero 2W, 3A+ and 5) to play about with. It has been great fun and is bringing back happy memories of childhood with a Commodore 64! Thanks also for the link, that’s really helpful - I’ll probably go the route of either a python or Powershell script to pass the necessary data to the RP2040.

That’s awesome!

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Hoping @makerbymistake or anyone else can help me out - I’ve been working on getting the Pimoroni Blinkt! up and running on the Radxa X4, with a view to sending CPU Load and Temperature data to the RP2040 and illuminating the LEDs as appropriate.

I have the LED code up and running in both MicroPython and CircuitPython and it operates the LEDs correctly (tested by manually entering data in the code). However, I cannot figure out how to get the live CPU data communicated from Windows to the RP2040 (first time doing this). So it’s the serial communication part of the code below I need help with.

I’m using a Powershell script to get the data (haven’t tried doing this using Python on Windows, as I’m hoping the Powershell will work out). Below is my code - I really need help getting the comms over serial working. I’ve tried the CircuitPython usb_cdc code on the page @makerbymistake linked above and got an error message about ‘in.waiting’, so went with the code below for the moment. If I’m going about the comms in the wrong way, or this is not possible with Powershell, please let me know!

CircuitPython Script (also tried using MicroPython)

CircuitPython script to receive CPU data over serial and illuminate LEDs appropriately:

import array
import time
import board
import busio
import adafruit_dotstar as dotstar

# Set up DotStar for Blinkt! 
dots = dotstar.DotStar(board.GP27, board.GP22, 8, brightness=0.1, auto_write=True)

# Initialize UART for CircuitPython
uart = busio.UART(board.GP0, board.GP1, baudrate=115200)

# Set up RGB color values in arrays - integers for [R, G, B]
"RED": array.array('i', [255, 0, 0]),
"GREEN": array.array('i', [0, 255, 0]),
"BLUE": array.array('i', [0, 0, 255]),
"YELLOW": array.array('i', [255, 255, 0]),
"ORANGE": array.array('i', [255, 150, 0]),
"WHITE": array.array('i', [255, 255, 255]),

# Set up LED color configurations for each temperature range

# Set Brightness levels based on CPU load
    (0.1, [3, 4]),
    (0.1, [3, 4]),
    (0.1, [2, 3, 4, 5]),
    (0.1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
    (0.2, range(8)),

def set_temp_colors(temp):
    if temp <= 40:
        leds = TEMP_COLORS[0]
    elif temp <= 50:
        leds = TEMP_COLORS[1]
    elif temp <= 60:
        leds = TEMP_COLORS[2]
    elif temp <= 70:
        leds = TEMP_COLORS[3]
    elif temp <= 80:
        leds = TEMP_COLORS[4]
        leds = TEMP_COLORS[5]
    return leds

def set_led_brightness(load, leds):
    if load < 6:
        brightness, active_leds = BRIGHTNESS_LEVELS[0]
    elif load <= 25:
        brightness, active_leds = BRIGHTNESS_LEVELS[1]
    elif load <= 50:
        brightness, active_leds = BRIGHTNESS_LEVELS[2]
    elif load <= 75:
        brightness, active_leds = BRIGHTNESS_LEVELS[3]
        brightness, active_leds = BRIGHTNESS_LEVELS[4]

    led_pairs = {3: leds[0], 4: leds[0], 2: leds[1], 5: leds[1],
                 1: leds[2], 6: leds[2], 0: leds[3], 7: leds[3]}

    for i in range(len(dots)):
        if i in active_leds:
            color = led_pairs[i]
            dots[i] = (color[0], color[1], color[2])
            dots.brightness = brightness
            dots[i] = (0, 0, 0)

def turn_off_all_leds():
    for i in range(len(dots)):
        dots[i] = (0, 0, 0)

# Initialize variables with default values
Hour = 10
CPULoad = 10.0
CPUTemp = 40.0

while True:
    if uart.in_waiting:
            data = uart.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
            Hour, CPULoad, CPUTemp = map(float, data.split(','))
            Hour = int(Hour)
        except ValueError:
    if Hour < 9 or Hour > 20:

    leds = set_temp_colors(CPUTemp)
    set_led_brightness(CPULoad, leds)

Powershell Script

Powershell Script to pull in current hour and then CPU data from LibreHardwareMonitor and send over serial (I’ve tried COM3 with Micropython, and COM4 and COM5 with Circuitpython as both show up in Device Manager). This gets the data and formats it correctly ([hour],[CPULoad],[CPUTemp] - eg ‘11,10.77,45.87’) but getting it across the serial interface is where I’m stuck:

# Load the LibreHardwareMonitor assembly
Add-Type -Path "Q:\Synced\LibreHardwareMonitorLib.dll" 

# Initialize Computer object
$computer = New-Object LibreHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Computer
$computer.IsCpuEnabled = $true

# Set up the serial port to communicate with the RP2040
$serialPort = New-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort "COM4", 115200, 'None', 8, 'One' 

# Loop to continuously output CPU load and temperature
try {
    while ($true) {
        # Get the current hour in 24-hour format
        $currentHour = (Get-Date).Hour	
        # Initialize variables for CPU load and temperature
        $cpuLoad = $null
        $cpuTemp = $null

        # Iterate over hardware components
        foreach ($hardware in $computer.Hardware) {

            if ($hardware.HardwareType -eq [LibreHardwareMonitor.Hardware.HardwareType]::Cpu) {
                foreach ($sensor in $hardware.Sensors) {
				if ($sensor.SensorType -eq [LibreHardwareMonitor.Hardware.SensorType]::Load -and $sensor.Name -eq "CPU Total") {
                    $cpuLoad = $sensor.Value					
				elseif ($sensor.SensorType -eq [LibreHardwareMonitor.Hardware.SensorType]::Temperature -and $sensor.Name -eq "CPU Package") {
					$cpuTemp = $sensor.Value
    # Prepare the output string with the hour, CPU load, and temperature
    $output = "{0},{1:N2},{2:N2}" -f $currentHour, $cpuLoad, $cpuTemp  # Hour, Load, Temp
    # For testing purposes, write the output to the Powershell window
    Write-Output $output
    # Send the data to the RP2040 via serial port

    # Wait for 1 second before the next iteration
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

finally {
    # Clean up on exit

What exactly is the problem? Is it not receiving the data or does the data received get a bit messed up?

Thanks for your response @Nasca - but I have just now got this working! I’m not sure which step it was resolved things, but I went into the BIOS and noticed UART1 was enabled (COM port) but UART0 was not, so I thought I’d try enabling both. Returned to Windows and now have COM1, COM2 and COM3 showing in Device Manager. I changed the Powershell script to output to COM1 and now it is all working with the original MicroPython and Powershell scripts! If it’s of any significance, I’m on the test BIOS with Secure Boot enabled, provided by @ryann - Thanks again.

EDIT: Attached a photo of my Radxa X4 with Pimoroni Blinkt! LEDs illuminated dynamically according to CPU Load and Temperature. Very pleased with this little board, it has been a pleasure to set up, thanks for creating it.