Rock5A/B AndroidTV 12 by mo123
- Improve wifi performance
- Fix Lenova wifi card not working
- Fix 120hz Display
- Small app updates and fixes.
- Fixed 8K Youtube playback, improved AVS video playback, HDR improvements
- Removed Google trackers for improved privacy
- Several speed and optimization improvements
- Too many other changes to mention
- Fully working AV1, H264, H265.
- Updated apps
- New launcher activates after connecting internet
- Added kvm support to run Linux OS’s from Termux app inside Android
- Fix A8 RTL8852BE wifi on Rock5A
- Improved touch screen support
- Hide unsupported sd card notification
Use TrackerControl to restrict websites opening trackers or individually block certain apps from accessing the internet.
TvQuickActions added to set up a recent apps screen
(Grant it accessibility and Usage access permissions)
Download Link EMMC/SD(balenaEtcher): Here
Boot Image for Magisk: Here
(Use the right side HDMI port)
Download link EMMC/SD(balenaEtcher): Here
Boot Image for Magisk: Here
Latest - Rock5B V1.10 24-01-2024
Only supports EMMC, SDCard
Rock5B v1.10 Boot Image for Magisk: Here
Rock5B - 10-03-2025
Download Link: Here
Pass: Rock5B_5513
Flash with Etcher to micro-sd or emmc
NVME Firmware(RKDevTool): Here
NVME Boot Image for Magisk: Here
(Use the left side 8K HDMI port for both firmwares)
(Can message me after downloading for the password)
Flashing Instructions:
To flash EMMC/SD firmware use Balena Etcher
To Flash NVME Firmware use RKDevTool v2.93 Here
- Select the unzipped firmware with the ‘Firmware’ button under ‘Upgrade Firmware’
- Connect the device into Maskrom Mode
- Click Upgrade
To use Recent Apps - Configure tvQuickActions
Eg. I mapped the Recent Apps to the Onscreen DPAD Right button.
The default button to bring up the onscreen DPAD shortcut keys is the Menu button on your remote but it can be changed in the app.
How to Root
Patch the boot.img through Magisk 26.3
Then flash it through Developer Options and reboot.