[ROM][Android9.0][RockPI 4A/B] Android P firmware released

You need a button between 16PIN and 3.3V.
Press the button to connect 3.3V, or ground.

I tried to make ota package from AOSP(version:20200522_1559,commit 2f865d49c2f9da2429fa0b77a34ea668d19a6ab2).
But failed. Iā€™d like to fix it. Is there information this issue?

Make sure you use stock /bootable/recovery and not the twrp /bootable/recovery currently used.
Look on Gitlab rk-vendor for the stock recovery and replace it in your SDK if you want to build ota packages.

Use this, download as tar.gz and replace.


Hi. I also wanted to do OTA package, and replaced twrp ā€œbootable/recoveryā€ folder to stock from this gitlab link, but make gives a lot of errors. Output uploaded here: https://pastebin.com/1Cjzjw4R

You have to delete the out folder or do make installclean and try again.
Also copy the commit_id.xml from the .manifest folder to your root sdk folder and make it read-only.
If you make changes to the SDK and donā€™t commit the changes with git, the commit_id.xml file will be empty and cause that error.

Thanks for your help. make is done, but make otapackage is fail.

build/core> git diff
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/common.py b/tools/releasetools/common.py
index 74b7b3e..d4ce24f 100755
--- a/tools/releasetools/common.py
+++ b/tools/releasetools/common.py
@@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ def LoadInfoDict(input_file, input_dir=None):
   system_root_image = d.get("system_root_image", None) == "true"
   if d.get("no_recovery", None) != "true":
-    recovery_fstab_path = "RECOVERY/RAMDISK/etc/recovery.fstab"
+    recovery_fstab_path = "RECOVERY/RAMDISK/etc/recovery.emmc.fstab"
     d["fstab"] = LoadRecoveryFSTab(read_helper, d["fstab_version"],
         recovery_fstab_path, system_root_image)
   elif d.get("recovery_as_boot", None) == "true":
-    recovery_fstab_path = "BOOT/RAMDISK/etc/recovery.fstab"
+    recovery_fstab_path = "BOOT/RAMDISK/etc/recovery.emmc.fstab"
     d["fstab"] = LoadRecoveryFSTab(read_helper, d["fstab_version"],
         recovery_fstab_path, system_root_image)

I tired this Android Version and the new Android 10, still having problems with my HP EX900 1TB M.2 NVMe Every time I try to connect to the internet with WIFI or cable the rockpi crashes.

Check your power supply first. What power adapter are you using?

This one: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07T8H8VK1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Can you please give your email or other contact. I will write you and ask some question about nvme) I want to install Android on nvme but i met some troubles with this.

Iā€™m new one in AOSP. Any one help me to install MT6739WA device. Which os i can build and how can i do it.

@Anand_G Spam somewhere else.
Go read topics on xda forum about how to build Android OS.

Hi, PPPoE Ethernet in Android 9 (login & pass) - how to enable?
ROCK Pi 4B+ (Android 9 HDMI 4K)

No PPPoE option in Ethernet settings. Only DHCP & Static.
Although in /etc/ppp/ are PPPoE files.

How do I connect to the network?
Make a patch PPPoE AOSP for TWRP.

Android 9 (HDMI 4K), rockpi-4b-rk3399-android9-20200827_1006_94736e8-gpt

Reset RGB 8-bit after rebooting.
Where configuration files are stored?
There used to be here: sys/class/display/HDMI/color
echo mode=1 > sys/class/display/HDMI/color

What to apply the init.d script for TUNER ā€œCOLORā€ after rebooting?
