[ROM][Android10][RockPI 4] Android Q Firmware Release

Please repo sync and run build-rockpi-4c.sh to rebuild your rom.

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Is it really need? I have installed Magisk and patched the boot. It works fine without this changes.

Thank you! I will try it!

I don’t think you need it for Magisk to work, but better to add it if you do lots of development work or use root a lot.

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Hi, can you also post the instructions to build separate images eg. u-boot, kernel, system?

Yes, Look again at README.

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New Version Release.


Supprot USB boot Android10!!!


Thank you for your work! :smiley:

I try to execute Full OTAUpdate on Android10(version 1.0.2) created from mkimage.sh ota.
But failed.

I changed RockPi4C.mk and retry. This is successed.

- ro.product.product_services.device=rk3399_Android10
+ ro.product.product_services.device=RockPi4C
- ro.product.product_services.model=rk3399-Android10
- ro.product.product_services.name=rk3399_Android10
+ ro.product.product_services.model=RockPi4C-RK3399
+ ro.product.product_services.name=RockPi4C

Is ro.product.product_services correct?

If you don’t want to use GMS, you can remove these configurations altogether.

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Thank you for the reply!

How about builds for ROCK960?

Hello,How to keep HDMI rotation setting after reboot, please?

I tried to do below.
TunerSettings -> HDMI -> rotation -> set rotation.

persist.sys.hwrotation value is set but after reboot not turned.

HI Lili, Any good news for the Andriod box .

Wait for Rockpi4 firmware to stabilize and then directly adapt.

Android 10 not support.

No, It is very difficult.

I can’t get gpt.img to boot from high speed micro-sd, same problem that was on Android 9 but was fixed.I updated to latest Android 10 sdk code already.
The recovery screen, firmware erasing only shows about 2 seconds then it just gets stuck on the bootanimation.
If I use update.img on emmc then the recovery screen, erasing firmware takes a lot longer and firmware boots correctly.
Is there still a bug with micro-sd booting?

I will try with other micro-sd cards too and reformat and test more.

DSI display support:
Can I use DSI displays (such as the official 7 inch Raspberry display) with this?
If so, could you please point me to some instructions on how to do so?