RockPi S0 - limited number of GPIO pins

RockPi S0, looked like an ideal solution for our requirements instead of RockPi S.
However we soon realized that only 26 pins are mapped (similar to one side of the RockPi S 26 pin header). The rest of the pins a TBD?

does this mean possibly, a newer version would have additional GPIO mappings?

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Hi Radxa Team,
i would like to request GPIO description as well.
If you doesn’t have a table description of the headers, schematics will be enough. I will extract it from there.

Best Regards,
Mihail Maldzhanski

The first 26 pins are the same as header1 of RockPi S.
The rest of the pins are dummy pins.

yes even first 24 pins only.

Black are GND.

I tried last night to guess some of the other pins based on color header and reference to other SBC from Radxa. Blue pins are I2C on other boards.

There are some GPIO pins defined in device tree, but unfortunately it is impossible to map them to real Header Pins.


&gpio0 {
gpio-line-names =
/* GPIO0_A0-A3 /
β€œβ€, β€œPIN_16”, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,
GPIO0_A4-A7 */
β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

	/* GPIO0_B0-B3 */
	"", "", "", "PIN_3",
	/* GPIO0_B4-B7 */
	"PIN_5", "", "", "PIN_27",

	/* GPIO0_C0-C3 */
	"PIN_28", "PIN_15", "PIN_33", "",
	/* GPIO0_C4-C7 */
	"", "", "", "",

	/* GPIO0_D0-D3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO0_D4-D7 */
	"", "", "", "";


&gpio1 {
gpio-line-names =
/* GPIO1_A0-A3 /
β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,
GPIO1_A4-A7 */
β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

	/* GPIO1_B0-B3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO1_B4-B7 */
	"", "", "", "",

	/* GPIO1_C0-C3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO1_C4-C7 */
	"", "", "PIN_21", "PIN_19",

	/* GPIO1_D0-D3 */
	"PIN_23", "PIN_24", "", "",
	/* GPIO1_D4-D7 */
	"", "", "", "";


&gpio2 {
gpio-line-names =
/* GPIO2_A0-A3 /
β€œPIN_10”, β€œPIN_8”, β€œPIN_37”, β€œPIN_13”,
GPIO2_A4-A7 */
β€œPIN_35”, β€œPIN_38”, β€œPIN_36”, β€œPIN_40”,

	/* GPIO2_B0-B3 */
	"PIN_26", "PIN_12", "PIN_31", "PIN_22",
	/* GPIO2_B4-B7 */
	"PIN_32", "PIN_7", "PIN_11", "PIN_18",

	/* GPIO2_C0-C3 */
	"PIN_29", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO2_C4-C7 */
	"", "", "", "",

	/* GPIO2_D0-D3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO2_D4-D7 */
	"", "", "", "";


&gpio3 {
gpio-line-names =
/* GPIO3_A0-A3 /
β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,
GPIO3_A4-A7 */
β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

	/* GPIO3_B0-B3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO3_B4-B7 */
	"", "", "", "",

	/* GPIO3_C0-C3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO3_C4-C7 */
	"", "", "", "",

	/* GPIO3_D0-D3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO3_D4-D7 */
	"", "", "", "";


&gpio4 {
gpio-line-names =
/* GPIO4_A0-A3 /
β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,
GPIO4_A4-A7 */
β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

	/* GPIO4_B0-B3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO4_B4-B7 */
	"", "", "", "",

	/* GPIO4_C0-C3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO4_C4-C7 */
	"", "", "", "",

	/* GPIO4_D0-D3 */
	"", "", "", "",
	/* GPIO4_D4-D7 */
	"", "", "", "";


I am sorry for the confusion, please check the schematic first:

The documentation need to catch up.

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Thank you jack!
Looks great!

Would be great if the docs where updates as think on sale next month?