Rockpi 4C Plus - usable?


I do have a 4C Plus here and been trying for days now to use it. The task is a very simple one - just run any OS and any browser in kiosk mode. No fancy desktop or anything else is required.
Not sure how many images I have tested so far. They are either not booting at all or are not usable. I am really frustrated and already about to get rid of the device and get a real raspberry.
Some examples:

  • Andoid booting, but giving registration error I was not able to fix as none of the services was running
  • DietPi did not boot at all
  • Debian at least is starting but the browser performance is so bad that it is not usable and both Firefox as well as Chromium do not display the website correct while other browser on my laptop (Chrom, Firefox, Safari) are showing it correctly
  • Ubuntu does not have Chromium installed and if I remember correct after apt-get update/upgrade it didn´t boot anymore or I was not able to run Chromium due to some error messages which I could not solve

As said my requirements are very low. I just need a simple OS which I can run in kiosk mode. I do not even browse. It is just a dynamic website (webcam+calendar) which is displayed (MagicMirror).

So is there any out of the box images which is really usable? And uses the performance of the device that should be more than sufficient?


Hi, what’s the spec of your 4C Plus, what’s the ram size, the official image is listed here. ,, for android, the registration message is pushed by GMS (as we don’t do gms Certification), I think you just want to need a brower with good performance, I think we can remove the GMS from android and install a chrome app which doesn’t need Certification, is it what you need ?

Hi Peter,

thx for your reply! It is the 4GB variant I am using (Rock Pi 4 Model C+ 4GB RK3399T). I tried all official images with more or less success.
If you can create an Andoid image which is just running chrome + wifi that would be great. The current registration check is also stopping the wifi service after some time and keeps the error message on top of everything. So this image is not usable at all.


remove Gapps + add single chrome app