I recently built a new kernel for the Rock 3A along https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock3/dev/Debian. Then, I ran into some problems.
1, “./build/pack-kernel.sh -d rockchip_linux_defconfig -r 1” does not reflect changed kernel settings. I removed ‘make distclean’ in this shell script. It seems to work.
2, I built a kernel deb package after adding a kernel WiFi driver. When I applied this package to ‘rock-3-v20211115’, a Kernel Panic occurred and reboot after 10 second though the image could boot up. I ca use this package though I don’t like the Kernel Panic.
3, I made a system image using the same setting by “./build/mk-image.sh -c rk3568 -t system -r rootfs/linaro-rootfs.img”. However, the new built system.img could not boot due to Kernel Panic.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.