- latest Rockchip develop-4.4 branch (as of 20191030)
- patched to 4.4.198
- Radxa’s Rock Pi S patches
- Rockchip u-boot with Radxa’s patches
- u-boot patched to make LAN MAC address stable based on CPUID
- almost all USB_SERIAL modules compiled
- overclocked to 1.3 GHz
- increased available memory from 424MiB to 486MiB
- I don’t have 256MiB version but it should increase from ~168MiB to ~230MiB
- configurable via /boot/armbianEnv.txt
means 2MiB reserved - single unit equals 2KiB.
I would stick with “round” numbers (in binary system) when configuring it, eg. 2048, 4096…
- no Bluetooth or WiFi for now
____ ___ ____ _ __ ____ _ ____ | _ \ / _ \ / ___| |/ / | _ \(_) / ___| | |_) | | | | | | ' / | |_) | | \___ \ | _ <| |_| | |___| . \ | __/| | ___) | |_| \_\\___/ \____|_|\_\ |_| |_| |____/ Welcome to Debian Buster with Armbian Linux 4.4.198-rockpis System load: 1.00 0.43 0.16 Up time: 1 min Memory usage: 8 % of 486MB IP: CPU temp: 33°C Usage of /: 1% of 58G
Download: https://www.armbian.com/radxa-rockpi-s/
EDIT: Available on Armbian website now!