Rock Pi flooding router when connected via ethernet?

Yes, this is base Ubuntu server from Radxa and there is some kind of dhcp daemon running in the background.

Client or Server, DHCP client is fine but maybe you have an extra unwanted server one running?
What ip do you clients fetch when they lose connection, still doesn’t explain packet drop however.

I haven’t really noticed the same and have you done the usual updates?

apt-get -y update
apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get install -y rockchip-fstab
apt-get install -y rockpi4-dtbo
apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay
apt-get install -y linux-base
apt-get install -y linux-4.4-latest
apt-get install -y rockpi4b-rk-u-boot-latest
apt-get install -y bluez ap6256-firmware
apt-get install -y brcm-patchram-plus1-64

Also in Bionic networking is now netplan and not configured via /etc/network

Client - /sbin/dhclient -d -q -sf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-helper -pf /run/[...]

Some of this was already installed but I’ll check how it will behave now after installing all of this.

Nothing changed, same problem.

Dunno as long as you setup your network via netplan kept the new bionic networking system on mine I don’t seem to have the same problem.
Or at least never noticed it.

Guess your going to have to track through syslog and see if there is anything that gives you a clue.

Prob going to have to install some network monitoring tools like iftop and see if you can gleam any info.
Not heard anyone else have similar so out in the cold and blind to whatever it may be.

Few people reported a similar problem with Raspberry Pi, unfortunately without clear solution.
Some pointed out voltages or IP address conflicts.

Problem appears about 10 minutes after turning on Rock Pi. But there is nothing in syslog that indicates network problems.

OT: Is it possible to run Alpine on Rock Pi?

Never used Alpine its an Arch Linux base?
Only thing currently is the mangaro that is near

Ethernet is working but with manjaro sticking to mainline only WiFi/Bt will be 5.3.

Then there is the debian image, but try the KDE I know its desktop but if its hardware specific then likely it should turn up again.

No, it’s based on busybox and musl library, great for low resource usage that’s why it’s mainly used as Docker base image.

Yeah, probably going to try different distro. :frowning:

The docker images should still work but hardware wise with a different kernel the arch based mangaro of the above is really it.
Also even though its a game emulator the networking with likely different kernel setups is in the (mrfixit2001 has backported loads of patches) recalbox and libreelec images which is pointless for what you want but will test hardware.
Then there is debian without netplan and standard /etc/network if you get rid of desktop or use the build script as its quite easy.

What’s the best choice? Debian from official wiki ( or this one .

The download is full of desktop gubins and the forum version is just community supplied. is seriously easy just remember to export the Arch you require.

I will build one if you want and run through the networking as haven’t paid debian all that much attention.

My machine is multiboot win10/stretch/bionic with an i7 with an OK OC and it rips through that build script in no time.
You end up with a really basic Debian which is perfect for building up a server which I could prob do for you.
I use option2 rather than docker but if your a docker person that may suit.

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If you can build it for me I’ll be very thankful also thanks for your time. :slight_smile:

You can time me as stuff is already in the oven and I have nothing else better to do :slight_smile:

I don’t think that went all that well as build the desktop before but when I set target=base I am pretty sure from what I am seeing that is desktop.
Anyway uploading to onedrive.
I tried a couple of times thinking must of missed ‘base’ but we will see which it is :slight_smile:

Ok, that’s not a problem even if it ends up with desktop :slight_smile:

Nope I tell a lie its not desktop but it pulled in far more packages than what I would call say ubuntu-minimal.

Its just my broadband and uploading aint the quickest its just called system.img
user linaro
password linaro!AocmAh35i26QiFH4K-KC0pBeIAEE

linaro@linaro-alip:~$ ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group defaul                           t qlen 1
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP gr                           oup default qlen 1000
    link/ether 5e:17:09:fa:85:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
       valid_lft 84458sec preferred_lft 84458sec
    inet6 fdd4:40f0:f40b:b400:d47c:7c2d:ea3:6886/64 scope global noprefixroute d                           ynamic
       valid_lft 6896sec preferred_lft 3296sec
    inet6 fe80::a3c4:eb24:1bd5:b6ea/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: wlan0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast                            state DORMANT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 6c:21:a2:14:d8:c8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

I am in the UK
dpkg-reconfigure locales
to where u are

PS I keep forgetting about Armbian and they have great images even though I also keep forgetting to try!

Damn… same problem, even faster this time, 2 min after boot.
I’m starting to think that the problem is more on the router side but still, caused by Rock Pi.
IP was assigned correctly and there is completely 0 traffic from Rock Pi.


my router pc and rockpi4

linaro@linaro-alip:~$ nstat
IpInReceives                    1504               0.0
IpInDelivers                    1471               0.0
IpOutRequests                   643                0.0
IpOutNoRoutes                   43                 0.0
IcmpInMsgs                      1                  0.0
IcmpInTimeExcds                 1                  0.0
IcmpMsgInType11                 1                  0.0
TcpActiveOpens                  4                  0.0
TcpPassiveOpens                 1                  0.0
TcpAttemptFails                 1                  0.0
TcpInSegs                       186                0.0
TcpOutSegs                      161                0.0
UdpInDatagrams                  551                0.0
UdpOutDatagrams                 438                0.0
UdpIgnoredMulti                 540                0.0
Ip6InReceives                   279                0.0
Ip6InDelivers                   279                0.0
Ip6OutRequests                  125                0.0
Ip6OutDiscards                  20                 0.0
Ip6OutNoRoutes                  28                 0.0
Ip6InMcastPkts                  241                0.0
Ip6OutMcastPkts                 84                 0.0
Ip6InOctets                     23398              0.0
Ip6OutOctets                    9748               0.0
Ip6InMcastOctets                20227              0.0
Ip6OutMcastOctets               6577               0.0
Ip6InNoECTPkts                  279                0.0
Icmp6InMsgs                     76                 0.0
Icmp6OutMsgs                    80                 0.0
Icmp6InRouterAdvertisements     24                 0.0
Icmp6InNeighborSolicits         31                 0.0
Icmp6InNeighborAdvertisements   21                 0.0
Icmp6OutRouterSolicits          8                  0.0
Icmp6OutNeighborSolicits        15                 0.0
Icmp6OutNeighborAdvertisements  24                 0.0
Icmp6OutMLDv2Reports            33                 0.0
Icmp6InType134                  24                 0.0
Icmp6InType135                  31                 0.0
Icmp6InType136                  21                 0.0
Icmp6OutType133                 8                  0.0
Icmp6OutType135                 15                 0.0
Icmp6OutType136                 24                 0.0
Icmp6OutType143                 33                 0.0
Udp6InDatagrams                 176                0.0
Udp6OutDatagrams                25                 0.0
Udp6IgnoredMulti                27                 0.0
TcpExtTW                        2                  0.0
TcpExtDelayedACKs               3                  0.0
TcpExtTCPHPHits                 115                0.0
TcpExtTCPPureAcks               21                 0.0
TcpExtTCPHPAcks                 15                 0.0
TcpExtTCPRcvCoalesce            6                  0.0
TcpExtTCPAutoCorking            7                  0.0
TcpExtTCPOrigDataSent           48                 0.0
IpExtInMcastPkts                358                0.0
IpExtOutMcastPkts               56                 0.0
IpExtInBcastPkts                548                0.0
IpExtInOctets                   283595             0.0
IpExtOutOctets                  49515              0.0
IpExtInMcastOctets              14981              0.0
IpExtOutMcastOctets             2100               0.0
IpExtInBcastOctets              52407              0.0
IpExtInNoECTPkts                1519               0.0
linaro@linaro-alip:~$ ss -s
Total: 183 (kernel 0)
TCP:   4 (estab 1, closed 0, orphaned 0, synrecv 0, timewait 0/0), ports 0

Transport Total     IP        IPv6
*         0         -         -
RAW       1         0         1
UDP       4         3         1
TCP       4         1         3
INET      9         4         5
FRAG      0         0         0
linaro@linaro-alip:~$ netstat -i
Kernel Interface table
eth0      1500     1904      0      0 0           658      0      0      0 BMRU
lo       65536      173      0      0 0           173      0      0      0 LRU
wlan0     1500        0      0      0 0             0      0      0      0 BMU
linaro@linaro-alip:~$ netstat -s
    Forwarding: 2
    1788 total packets received
    0 forwarded
    0 incoming packets discarded
    1755 incoming packets delivered
    811 requests sent out
    43 dropped because of missing route
    1 ICMP messages received
    0 input ICMP message failed
    ICMP input histogram:
        timeout in transit: 1
    0 ICMP messages sent
    0 ICMP messages failed
    ICMP output histogram:
        InType11: 1
    8 active connection openings
    1 passive connection openings
    1 failed connection attempts
    0 connection resets received
    1 connections established
    421 segments received
    327 segments sent out
    0 segments retransmitted
    0 bad segments received
    0 resets sent
    565 packets received
    0 packets to unknown port received
    0 packet receive errors
    450 packets sent
    0 receive buffer errors
    0 send buffer errors
    IgnoredMulti: 547
    6 TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer
    5 delayed acks sent
    257 packet headers predicted
    69 acknowledgments not containing data payload received
    26 predicted acknowledgments
    TCPRcvCoalesce: 93
    TCPAutoCorking: 30
    TCPOrigDataSent: 152
    InMcastPkts: 388
    OutMcastPkts: 62
    InBcastPkts: 555
    InOctets: 403737
    OutOctets: 94825
    InMcastOctets: 15977
    OutMcastOctets: 2292
    InBcastOctets: 53104
    InNoECTPkts: 1808

Back at it again :slight_smile:
I added switch in this setup and magic… everything works fine. Now it’s look like this:
internet <-> router -> switch <- each device

Maybe at the end it’s not magic and just a router that failed in this setup, but still I don’t know why.
Nothing changed in terms of subnets and IP addresses.