Rock Pi E RK3328 Timer0 not working 0xff1c0010 Linux?


Could I please ask if anyone has been able to use the rk3328 timers (6-ch, base address 0xff1c0000) under Linux kernel 4.4 ?

I can see on my Rock-5b that there there is a device-tree for the first timer under root@rock-5b:/proc/device-tree/timer@feae0000# and I can see the it is running ok but no timers are showing on the Rock Pi E and the dtsi doesn’t seem to have the timer section configured fully…?

I also tried using the ‘io’ Linux command (as root) on the Rock Pi E to read the timer registers and as you can see below, running the commands twice, there is no change in the counter even though the timer0 is enabled -

root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0000
ff1c0000: ffffffff
root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0004
ff1c0004: 00000000
root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0008
ff1c0008: f54e2f05
root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0010
ff1c0010: 00000001
root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0000
ff1c0000: ffffffff
root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0004
ff1c0004: 00000000
root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0008
ff1c0008: f54e2f05
root@linaro-alip:~# io -4 0xff1c0010
ff1c0010: 00000001

Are the timers on the rk3328 operational and available otherwise, could someone please let me know what I may be doing incorrectly or may have missed?

Thanks very much!