Rock Pi E Arch Linux ARM (aarch64)

Hello everyone.

I have a working Arch Linux ARM (aarch64) installation here on the Rock Pi E and I would like to ask you which features and packages should be included into this image by default before I share it with you.

My main goal is to get an up-to-date / pre-configured image including basic features which are tightly related to this board, like a Software access point (already included the rtl8821cu-morrownr-dkms-git module for the RTL8821CU chipset but I cannot test the RTL8723DU chipset), Network bridge, Internet sharing, NAS, Firewall, Mail (Postfix/Dovecot), HTTP (Nginx), filtering DNS server etc.

This image will be larger than usual, but any additional packages can be removed easily. So, what is your idea? Note that I cannot include everything but the kitchen-sink or huge packages with many dependencies.

If there is enough interest and communal effort, I’ll keep this image up-to-date. There is no point in sharing otherwise.

Well, let’s give it a try in a few days with a basic image.

you should try to make a BredOS image for the Rock Pi E

Arch Linux ARM (aarch64) image for the Rock Pi E



My time is limited to develop another project, but feel free to port it to my image.

Due to limited interest in this project, I have decided to discontinue its development. The associated pages and files will be removed within the next two weeks.

This decision mirrors the approach I took with the collaborative development of the board (Hello, Tom).