Rock Pi 4B not booting

Hi all,

I was very excited when today my new Rock Pi 4B v1.7.3 arrived. I downloaded the Debian desktop image, but it will just not boot, using an SD card. The green LED is on, but no other LED.

I also tried it with the Armbian XFCE current image, with the same result.

I tried different power adapters, according to the tiny print on it, it supports QC3 with 9V/2A, which I think should be sufficient.

I tried it with and without a keyboard/mouse attached and an ethernet cable plugged in. With no success.

Anything else I can try? Can I narrow it down somehow?

I do not own a USB TTL cable, but it seems I would need this to see any boot messages, right?

Okay, turned out that - for whatever reason - using dd to create the image does not work, but using etcher does. So now it is booting.