Rock Pi 4B+ bookworm

Hello guys,

I bought a Rock Pi 4B+ and tried to install several images (minimal cli) but I am struggeling with it. The only cli images that will boot the Rock Pi 4B+ is:

  • official rock-pi-4b-plus_debian_bullseye_cli_b21.img.xz
  • older Armbian (not the current bookworm image)

When I installed the official Debian Bullseye and did an “apt update” and “apt upgrade” then I was not able to reboot the board.

I must say that I did not have such troubles with all the Raspberry Pi´s I have. I prefer the Rock Pi with it´s integrated eMMC memory but getting a running and current system on it is driving me crazy.

So is it possible to get a current “Debian bookworm” on a Rock Pi 4B+ without spending days of testing and configuring?

kind regards

It is working now. I was not patient enough after rebooting. Will there be a native Bookworm/Trixie release for the Rock Pi 4B+? And does anybody have an idea why the Armbian Bookworm or the DietPi release does not boot with my Rock Pi?

Armbian is usually buggy and not tested much. It comes without any warranty or free support. Use it as it is, modify If You need and maybe it will be good for You.
As far as I remember there was bug in u-boot, that prevented board to start. I don’t know if this particular one still exists or not, for sure UART console will help You to know what is going on. You should get some error and maybe be able to fix it.

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