Thank you for your wonderful work.
But, unfortunately, it works only under certain conditions.
The specific condition here means only the first time when the power is turned on.
“u-boot” is a boot loader, main task is to boot kernel & OS.
And once the system is booted, the added features will not function properly until the system is powered off.
This means that the added functionality will not work properly if you use the more common reboot method (the reboot command).
I saw the added code, but the processing around Phy is almost untouched.
Also, the “reset” pin of the device (RTL8125B) is designed so that it cannot be controlled from software due to the hardware design.
So, once someone else (kernel) initializes Phy to a high-level, it will cause symptoms like this, I think so.
We recommend that you specify that you have such a problem.
Connection to a laptop worked fine in 100 Mbps mode.
1000 Mbps mode is not working at the moment.
I think that there are very few people who can read this note and estimate the above issues.
(It took me about three days to arrive at this fact.)