Rock 5B enabling RPi 7 inch (for Radxa 5 inch)

Hi, I have the appropriate FPC cable and have connected the Radxa 5inch LCD to my Rock 5b. I enable the overlay and reboot. An image appears, but it stops and repeats. After 10 seconds or so, the display turns off completely and it will not show again until I reboot.

I’m running the latest official Debian Bullseye build 39.

Any ideas what is wrong?

Just to note, I have tried two different displays and they are both the same. They are also working correctly with a Rock 4b+.

Mind sharing a picture of the cable and connection?

I have two 5inch lcds and one 7inch that works on 3A. If the cable is the same i can try and see what i get.


Thanks for your reply. I am using this cable from Radxa:

I have this cable.

It is not clear what overlay you enabled for the Rock 5B.
Can you share your dtb and the overlay used? Did you make any changes?

What i see is:

Overlay for:

And available drivers for the 5.10:

I have enabled the 7inch overlay as this is the one which works on the 4b+.

This overlay is for RK3399 and, in theory, should not load on RK3588, but you say it does.
I have 7inch v1.0, maybe you have v2.0.

Maybe @jack or someone else can give some input.

Can you log in and deactivate the Power management? Power management and screensaver.

Hi, sorry but I’m not sure how to deactivate power management?

Just to clarify, this is the 5 inch Radxa display. I assumed that a Radxa product would be compatible with its own product.

It is unclear if you can log in to the desktop and do something within 10 seconds.
if not, 7inch and 5 inch have different timings , this can be the problem.

if you can, try (in Xfce):
menu Aplications/Settings/Power manager and disable everything on Display
and try in Desktop command line:

sudo xset dpms 0 0 0
sudo xset s off
sudo xset -dpms
sudo xset s off
sudo xset s noblank

BTW, how did you attach the rock 5b to the 5 inch display? Can you show the picture?

Thank you. I have applied the power settings, but the display continues to turn off. I think perhaps it is turning off because of the incorrect timings.

Please see the cable connection:

Hi Micheal,
have you found a solution to your problem.

I am trying to get a 4,3" Waveshare MIPI DSI display work on a Rock 5B with the same issue. I have chosen the raspberry 5" display. The Rock boots into the logon screen, touch is working to. But after 10 seconds the display turns black.

Many thanks

Hi Henrik,

Very sorry but I have not yet found a solution. In your case, is the display showing the image correctly? In my case the image is also corrupt.

Hi Michel,

the picture is shown correctly.

We are developing a device based on a rock 5B and were in need of a small display. Today we made a hugh step to use a SPI display with touch. The MIPI DSI display was just a fallback idea, if the 3,5 won’t work.

Hi Michael,

I got the same problem also. I found it is because vcc_lcd_mipi1 regulator disabled after several secs as dmesg shows. Any idea how to fix it now?