Rock 5B Blue Edition 32 GB

Received it in Germany from, excellent, ended up being around 250 euro total.

I’m currently having issues with Armbian, either the “legacy” 5.10, or the bleeding edge - cannot allocate more than 8-9 gigabytes of ram, the kernel just panics. Didn’t run into this with Joshua Riek’s Ubuntu (15.10.160).

Anyone have experience fixing (I guess the DTBs on) Armbian?

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Did your order get import taxed or how did that price come about

Yes, from the sales and customs tax.

Did DHL hold your order or did they make you pay at the doorstep? Since that didn’t happen to me

They sent me an SMS where I could delegate the sales & customs tax to them, that stage was significantly slower than before, with products from China. Those other times I’d just pay with the postman. What Linux are you running on your machine?

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I‘m using (vendor kernel) but that’s “temporary” because I‘m waiting for some mainline patches like GPU.