Rock 5A won't boot Debian

Just received a 16 GB Rock 5A from OKdo.

It won’t boot Debian - blue LED on continuously and this is on the display:

I’m using a 65 W USB-C PD supply.

The Wiki didn’t have any Getting Started details - “broken links” displayed!

BTW, it was supplied with an eMMC module in the socket with a small chip. I also bought a 32 GB eMMC module and programmer. Why did the Rock already have an eMMC module?

Check text to select correct image:

  1. the “eMMC” module that is preinstalled is an SPI NOR flash chip. It’s not written anywhere that the SPI is not soldered but a module that takes the place of eMMC. A bit problematic.
  2. what media are you using to boot? Look at the 5A section, there are not that many topics, but many about failing boots.

Thanks. I’ve downloaded armbian for the 5A so I’ll try it tomorrow.

I’m using an SD card.

Not sure then. Armbian works for me; the official distros always seem to be a bit messy (it seems that there are not enough people working on them).

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Thanks to all. Armbian works OK!

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