I am setting up a new ROCK 5 ITX. Going by the documentation I attached the Radxa cooler, and mounted the board in my case. I hooked up the ATX PSU, an HDMI monitor, ethernet, and USB keyboard. When I power it on, the blue power LED lights up, and the cooler fan spins up, and that’s it. No signal from either HDMI port, and no link when I attach an ethernet cable to either LAN port. The indicator LEDs on the keyboard do not light either. I have tried shorting the pins for the power button on the front panel, with no result.

Any suggestions for what to try next? Thanks!

Did you install any OS on any boot device? Like others, mine didn’t come with Roobi OS installed, and I had to test with an image written to an SD card to see any kind of response.

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Thank you once again! The image on my SD card was corrupted. I was using Etcher to write my SD card, but this issue was corrupting the written image:, I changed to using dd to write the image and the system booted up to the login screen.

$ ls -alh
total 23546496
drwxr-xr-x    4 blake  staff   128B Feb 16 13:48 .
drwxr-xr-x  117 blake  staff   3.7K Feb 16 13:34 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 blake  staff   7.0G Feb 15 17:42 rock-5-itx_bookworm_kde_b3.output.img
-rw-r--r--    1 blake  staff   5.6G Feb 16 13:27 rock-5-itx_debian_bullseye_kde_b6.img
$ sudo dd if=./rock-5-itx_bookworm_kde_b3.output.img of=/dev/disk9 bs=512 status=progress
7512490496 bytes (7512 MB, 7164 MiB) transferred 1126.030s, 6672 kB/s
14680058+0 records in
14680058+0 records out
7516189696 bytes transferred in 1126.597074 secs (6671586 bytes/sec)
$ diskutil list
/dev/disk9 (external, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *128.0 GB   disk9
   1:           Linux Filesystem                         16.8 MB    disk9s1
   2:           Linux Filesystem                         314.6 MB   disk9s2
   3:           Linux Filesystem                         7.2 GB     disk9s3
                    (free space)                         120.5 GB   -