Rock 5 - Case + Cooling

Tnx DarkevilPT :slight_smile:

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I think its 3mm because these ones are 2mm and obviously dont fit and were a bad purchase Ive ordered 3mm now lets see…

Well, I showed you the measure, the one that came with the case have an M2.5x0.45 thread. I don’t know if an M3 can fit

I know I know… but you measured the screw not the standoff part and … I haven’t found easily M2.5 so I am… gonna risk 3MM as it should be probably the fat measured part I guess?

And to confirm yes m2’s wont fit eithr… unless u get m2 screws but not good… for feedback these images shows off well how it is

Much appreciated @Cyborgium!

A friend printed this out for me including the top without a fan opening.

Fitment is superb.

For others out there, I flipped over my RPi fan to pull cool air unto the CPU then stepped up from 3V to 5V with a generic 40x40x12mm heatsink. This yields idle temps around 37-40C and active temps in the 45-55C range. Running benchmarks shows a max of 67.5C at 100% utilisation across all cores (no thermal throttling). Before the above changes, temps were about 10C higher for each condition.

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Shitty Standoffs M3 have arrived ! YaY :+1:t2:

:rofl: initially I was using all the standoffs I had along with some screws and the thin plastic case cut down to provide some protection…

Update… more shitty standoffs… I think I should open a store now… z.z"

The dream case with cooler has been built here !

Michael projects and their make of videos are great to watch, but this one seems to be just quickly moved from earlier design for raspberry placed on bottom. Nothing fits here correctly and case is way too big and so far just empty. ROCK 5 don’t require that big heatsink and cooler (which is not even connected to fan header causing some problems here). Whole thing looks like first, quick iteration and hopefully there will be next release smaller, fitted, reconsidered :slight_smile:


I agree but there is always the size of the board that would make it look maybe larger on one side than another idk but its fun to see this creation.

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Yes, Michael videos are quality content with some interesting ideas and for sure he is inspiring creator with expensive workshop that allows him to use materials that are not easily available to many of us :slight_smile: On this video - it’s just quick snap showing that it’s quite easy to change just few things and You can get almost same case for slightly bigger sbc, but in fact ROCK 5B is not rpi.
Each project has it own goals, time was key feature here, maybe some design line to put that next to rpi case, which BTW is now professionally manufactured now by pironman. For pi it was great idea and with few small addons, mainly LCD and massive cooling it become huge success.
ROCK5 version is not encouraging that much, radxa original case is compact and whole acts as passive heatsink - if You care about size then it’s just much better but also - nothing more can be extended here. On Michael case You can easily put big LCD, maybe some HAT with replaced heatsink (poe?), probably sata ssd, rtc and camera (why not?), ups? everything should fit inside that box :slight_smile: This would be complete project that all we hope to see in future :slight_smile:

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is there any good tutorial (prefer “articles” to videos) on creating custom case using 3D printing? basically I want to learn how to create those STL files correctly, like what software to use? any things I need to be very careful of? I can use other’s STL file here as baseline and modify? my plan is to create one that works with a 5" LCD + vertically mounted fan… I can create a stand to mount both using PMMA “boards”, but that’s not cool :stuck_out_tongue:

For what its worth there is an official aluminum case now, tho passive heat sink via the actual case lid and not supporting a fan

the kksb looks a bit more solid. no plastic end caps, tho i do realize if you have too much metal you will need external wifi/bt antenna so the plastic did make sense… ( i do have one of the ones from allnet. It does do the trick. )


Very nice. I like the Power button construction :slight_smile:

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My KKSB case arrived today. This thing is gorgeous. Nice thermal pad, rubber bumps for the bottom, fits together nicely. So tempting not to buy one for personal use now.

Excuse the wifi antennas lol.

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It really is ! I still havent ordered it… not sure if I will but I admit… its rock n roll baby! KKSB on Rad-a-Xa! :grinning:

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