Rock 5 B Opensuse Tumbleweed

Does anyone have been successfull installing Tumbleweed ?
Is there an howto?
Waiting for my Rock 5 and want to be prepared to get it working.

If you want to install from iso, there are several steps:
1, Prepare uefi image for rock5b. There is already the source code of uefi in the sdk from rockchip:
2, Prepare an tumbleed iso which supports rock5b. I don’t know much about how opensuse iso is generated, but at least you need a bootable kernel for rock5b.

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Is there any precompiled binary available ?

First of all… Thank you for this old thread. It allowed me to get Tumbleweed running on my brand new Rock 5B.

The UEFI software (an .img file) that amazingfate mentions above was easily flashed to a SD memory with the openSUSE Studio Imagewriter app.

I chose to download the DVD install media for Tumbleweed on aarch64 which is packaged as an .iso file and used the Imagewriter utility to flash the image to a USB memory.

(The above flashing was done on a Raspberry Pi 400 running Tumbleweed, if you wonder.)

The SD and the USB memories were then connected to the Rock 5B. The image on the SD card allows booting from the USB memory which then starts a normal openSUSE install. I chose to install a Gnome system to an internal NVME SSD.

The SD memory card allows the Rock 5B to boot from the NVME SSD too once the install is ready.

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