Rock 4SE and radxa 10HD screen overlay missing

Hello Everyone.

I am trying to connect 10HD Radxa screen to my Rock 4SE. I can see 8HD screen in overlays, but cannot see 10HD overlay. So might be someone know the way on how to sort it? Might possible to use overlay from other board just adding “radxa,rock-4se” to compatible = “radxa,rock-4c-plus”;?

I hope can be easy way on how to sort this.
Thank you for your time.

Kind regards

which os version do you use, @Alvin please help to check this issue.

Debugging has been completed and will be pushed to the radxa/overlays code repository as soon as possible. Please stay tuned and we will update this comment.

@Jurijs_Sklarevics Here is the rock4 radxa 10hd display overlay:

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Thank you for your reply. I am using rock-4se_debian_bullseye_kde_b38.img .

But also I’ve tryed other images which been updated to latest packages ever exist’s on repositories.

Sorry, haven’t checked all before reply. So that overlay fits Rock 4SE and I just need to add my SE to compatible = “radxa,rock-3c”; at /boot/overlays/ at my OS?

Like: compatible = “radxa,rock-3c”, “radxa,rock-4se”;

Sorry, I found it in file:


Thank you, will wayt for update…