Rock 4C+ Yolov5 and deeplearning framework? and manual


  • we are trying to run yolov5 by using Rock 4C+
  • is it posisble to use deeplearning framwork by using rock 4c+ gpu?
  • please advise whether you could provide some kind of manual instructions for GPU

rock pi 4C+ 로 yolov5를 돌리려고 합니다. rock pi 4C+ GPU를 사용해서 딥러닝 프레임워크를 사용할 수 있는지 문의드립니다.

GPU 사용가이드북같은 것이 있다면 제공부탁드리겠습니다.


The framework needs to support OpenCL to use GPU.

There is no user manual from chip vendor regarding the GPU. However, OpenCL is an industry standard, and you can find publicly available tutorials online.

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