ROCK 3C Android Doesn't Boot

v1.4 3C
Tried both NVME and SD, neither can boot (black screen, no blue led, only green).

The board can boot the factory debian from either NVME and SD.

Is it only me or everyone has this problem?

Android image: burn with etcher.

Also tried on SD
and on nvme
both don’t work

What is your 3C memory capacity,if the capacity <=1G, it will boot fail with android.

3A android image doesn’t work on ROCk 3C

It’s 2GB version.
Also tried apt full-upgrade and then flashing again SPI bootloader from SD. Still doesn’t work.

One more information for the dev team to debug:

This board was bought from Taobao recently in 2025.

Seems I am the only one having this problem?

Question for those have android running good: have you flashed the SPI or leave the SPI empty?

Did you not see the comment that pointed out that the image for 3A doesn’t work on 3C?
Currently there is no Android image for 3C.

You can run some Linux images that are build for 3A on 3C (by changing the dtb file in the image config file), but that’s about it. You can’t do that with Android. 3A runs on RK3568 CPU, while 3C runs on RK3566.

Did you not see in my first post what is the name of the image?
Android image: burn with etcher.

Did you follow the instructions on how to flash ANDROID on these boards? Balena Etcher is not for burning Android images, it is mostly for Linux. You must put your board into Maskrom mode (by shorting 2 pins near the ethernet port), use a USB-A to USB-A cable, and flash the image using rkdeveloptool.

“The usage method of Rock 3C’s Android 11 image is the same as Rock 3A, and can be referred to for use” (click on [ROCK 3A Android 11 Installation Guide] ) (how to put 3C into Maskrom mode)

I followed this official instruction:




ROCK 3C: [Build 43]

  • [Rock3C-Android11_r12-20240806-gpt.img] (用于使用读卡器向 EMMC 和 SD 卡中刷入系统)

Note the last sentence in English means: use card reader to flash image to SD


Balena Etcher is not for burning Android images

is too generic to be true.

whether Balena Etcher or Rufus can be used to flash Android img depends on how the img file is created. I have flashed Android img to SD by Balena Etcher for over 100 RK boards with no problems.

Interesting, when I short the SPI pin (method as said for the Maskrom mode) and remain the SD card burnt by Balena Ether in the slot, then connect usb power, the blue led flashes and can enter android system now

The behavior (after flashed SPI from Linux system) summary as below:
Linux on SD & NVME: can boot normally
Android on SD & NVME: can’t boot

Here comes the fun part:
Short SPI pins + Android SD card: boot Android
Short SPI pins + Linux NVME: boot to Maskrom