Rock 3A pwm output frequency

I have to drive a pin in PWM, I followed the example of managing the fan on another PIN.
echo 10000 > /sys/devices/platform/fdd70010.pwm/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm0/period

How can I enter the frequency?
Is that 10000 ms? or can I also use us?
Is there more specific documentation where I can check?


This “period” is related to frequency.

Value of period <---> PWM frequency
  1000000 (1ms) <---> 1KHz
   40000 (40us) <---> 25KHz
     1000 (1us) <---> 1MHz

ok yes i know that F = 1 / T
So here we write in uS, and 10000 is 10uS
if I put 1 in the period this is equal to 1uS

Fine, thanks