I’m following this https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock3/dev/usb-install
I have no success at all.
Not on mac, linux or windows
Rock 3a does not enter maskroom mode
Please remove sd card and emmc first, if you wanna boot rock3a to maskroom mode,
in v1.31 , you need to short these two pins ,
then plug the USB Male A to Mail A cable to ROCK 3A OTG port(the upper USB3 port), the other side to PC , and lastly power on the board
If you wanna boot rock3a to loader mode , you need to insert sd card or emmc, then the next step is the same as in maskroom mode
thank you for replying.
still can’t boot into maskrom mode.
I came to test with another card but I have the same problem.
testing other USB ports.
outpout from dmesg
Please try to plug the USB power supply into the computer port.
thanks for replying, same behavior
Can anyone help me?, I have 30 rock 3a none enter maskroom mode
Try to follow these instructions to enter maskrom.
It uses the outer two pins (i think). You tell us if it worked.
thanks for answering, without success, did my rock 3a come with a defect?
No idea. you own 30 boards, it would be odd to have all boards with defects unless you did the wrong procedure on each board and damaged it.
BTW, why do you need maskrom anyway? You can flash eMMC with an adapter.
Maybe you can describe (with pictures) your procedure step by step, so people can pinpoint what is wrong. Include the PC side.
Have tried with another USB cable?
use sudo before rkdevtool or adapt udev that user can access serial
put device before starting rkdevtool in bootrom mode
and use the right usb debug port
the short for the nand or emmc has to be short only for passing detection it is not a bridge
or use the windows rkdevtool there you can see when you connect a device in bootrom
dont forget to install the driver assistant before
and there is a uboot command to put the device in bootrom but that is not needed
put a switch, push button on the short pins remove sd and power and connect debug usb to pc
hold switch/button short
enable power
release switch/button
sudo ./rkdevtool uf /path/to/imgage
just ckeck the procedure
and ld wont do much the same information is given if you just start rkdevtool
all info given in above post you should get it working or your keeping doing something wrong
hello, thanks for replying, test on windows 7 and only unknown usb device appears
should the ROCK 3A OTG port be connected to the computer’s 3.0 port?
How do I get expert support?
well expert i dont know
and i dont even have that board
only thing i know that it just works with the above information
and with 13 boards your sure have one with a working bootrom so that could also not the problem
and with answers as windows 7 and no device is no information only that you doing something wrong
are you sure your using the right usb a <> a cable
and if rkdevtool is too difficult you could also just load a linux distro on a sd and boot that and then dd your image on the emmc/spi
or buy a sd <> mmc adapter even more less trouble
hello, thanks for replying, I’m using everything exactly the same as it is on the wiki, I tried it with linux but I get the same problem, I’m thinking that it may be low power from the usb ports, I’ll test with a usb hub to see
well you also have to connect power from only usb it wont work
and hubs makes a direct link between a pc and a device not better