RK3399 Device test fail

Hello, we have a few RK3399 boards where we try to update the firmware to Android 10 using the RKDevTool V2.86 on Windows. I can see the board, and all is good until the test faze. I have tried this on different boards with Windows and also Linux, but I still have the same issue. The logs don’t tell much that makes sense to me or to assist on debugging.
Below I have a screenshot of the program at failure, and also the logs I get.
Image I am using is RK3399-JETWAY-LVDS-P32HVN02_202206291612.img we got from our client.
I would appreciate any help!

If it matters, I am running Win10 on a VirtualBox on Linux. USB works fine as you can see, but just thought I’d mention in case.

Hey, got the same errors Running Win 10 Home x64 through UTM on Mac M1. Any solutions?