Resource controller folder ? (Armbian)

I am trying to run AWS Greengrass IOT software on an Armbian based Rockpi S (latest versions). At its simplest it runs ok using AWs Corretto or Java 8. I am running into issues when I try load up a lamda to set up tunnels. The log file below highlights the errors. The issue seems to start because Resource controller is not enabled. Reading further and taking a stab in the dark - this could be referring to the following cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1 - apparently usually found in a cmdline.txt in the boot folder. Can anyone in the community help ? Resource controller is not enabled. {resource-controller=Memory, componentName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling}
2021-10-17T08:15:16.350Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-7) Resource controller is not enabled. {resource-controller=CPU, componentName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling}
2021-10-17T08:15:23.400Z [INFO] (Copier) Run script exited. {exitCode=1, serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=RUNNING}
2021-10-17T08:15:23.404Z [INFO] (Copier) service-report-state. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=RUNNING, newState=ERRORED}
2021-10-17T08:15:23.410Z [INFO] (aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling-lifecycle) service-set-state. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=RUNNING, newState=BROKEN}
2021-10-17T08:15:23.433Z [INFO] (aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling-lifecycle) fss-status-update-published. Status update published to FSS. {serviceName=FleetStatusService, currentState=RUNNING}
2021-10-17T08:15:23.449Z [INFO] (aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling-lifecycle) fss-status-update-published. Status update published to FSS. {serviceName=FleetStatusService, currentState=RUNNING}
2021-10-17T08:15:23.456Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-7) Shutdown initiated. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=BROKEN}
2021-10-17T08:15:23.459Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-7) generic-service-shutdown.

@rossyduck do you have steps to reproduce this, ie what did you do to install the Greengrass?

If you want to add them to bootargs(aka /proc/cmdline), you may try to change /boot/armbianEnv.txt

change value of extraargs in armbianEnv.txt
extraargs=swiotlb=1024 cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1

Reboot Rockpi S for the change to take effect.

Thank you for the response. I have followed the standard Greengrass setup - and mirrored that setup to also setup a raspberry Pi - as a known working reference device. I have then deployed the AWS Greengrass “tunneling” component. It works 100% on the Raspberry Pi and gives the error as posted for Armbian on RockpiS.

Thank you for the response. I have now done that - really useful to know that. Unfortunately when I look at the log tail still get the below. I feel we are on the right track by editing the armbianEnv file but something called “resource controller” needs to be enabled. Can you suggest any additional arguments I can include in the armbianEnv file ?

root@rockpis-10001:~# sudo tail -f /greengrass/v2/logs/greengrass.log
2021-10-27T03:20:42.185Z [INFO] (aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling-lifecycle) service-set-state. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=STARTING, newState=RUNNING}
2021-10-27T03:20:42.189Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-7) Resource controller is not enabled. {resource-controller=Memory, componentName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling}
2021-10-27T03:20:42.193Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-7) Resource controller is not enabled. {resource-controller=CPU, componentName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling}
2021-10-27T03:20:49.336Z [INFO] (Copier) Run script exited. {exitCode=1, serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=RUNNING}
2021-10-27T03:20:49.340Z [INFO] (Copier) service-report-state. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=RUNNING, newState=ERRORED}
2021-10-27T03:20:49.344Z [INFO] (aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling-lifecycle) service-set-state. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=RUNNING, newState=BROKEN}
2021-10-27T03:20:49.362Z [INFO] (aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling-lifecycle) fss-status-update-published. Status update published to FSS. {serviceName=FleetStatusService, currentState=RUNNING}
2021-10-27T03:20:49.377Z [INFO] (aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling-lifecycle) fss-status-update-published. Status update published to FSS. {serviceName=FleetStatusService, currentState=RUNNING}
2021-10-27T03:20:49.384Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-7) Shutdown initiated. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=BROKEN}
2021-10-27T03:20:49.386Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-7) generic-service-shutdown. {serviceName=aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling, currentState=BROKEN}

Thank you guys - this was very helpful.

For others battling with this I have resolved the key Greengrass error by turning off Greengrass software auto detect and telling it it is looking at Ubuntu. So far so good.

It would be nice to get to the bottom of the Resource controller is not enabled error - again feel it is a simple issue probably related to the armbianEnv.txt file - but cannot find any switches re Resource controller in the Armbian docs.