Radxa Zero3: how to setup two SPI


I need two separate SPI(and two CS on each) for my program to run, they will be used simultaneously. So I was trying to find info how to setup it.
I found some in new docs: https://docs.radxa.com/en/zero/zero3/app-development/mraa#spi
but there is no info about how to setup second SPI.
Also there is older(outdated version, I assume on thw wiki): https://wiki.radxa.com/Zero/dev/libmraa
There is a way to setup second SPI, but the method is obsolete.

So it would be awesome if someone can point me to some article, on how to setup two SPI devices, and how to use them in C code. I used to use spidev on RPI, for this project. There I just chose device by it’s path:

So I need to enable overlay for this? there are three overlays in the list related to SPI.

Thanks in advance

you need to enable two spi overlays first, or write a spi overlay dts with two cs then use rsetup to enable it.