Radxa Zero - use both usb c ports for peripherals


I am experimenting with my Radxa Zero and loving it so far. I wanted to remove the bulky usb hub from my setup since I have just two peripherals would it be possible to use both of the USB C ports for this?

I am currently powering the radxa zero with GPIO pins 2 and 6.

It is possible, I did it by making some hardware modification, and it working properly on android.

Oh, I wouldn’t want to do any HW modifications but I am curious on how you did it. Would you mind sharing what you did to get around this?

The basic theroy is to pull down the “USBOTG_B_ID” pin and the SOC will switch the usb port to host mode and let you connect slave devices.

Tried this by shorting 6D1 - which should tie USBOTG_B_ID to ground.
Sadly it doesnt work - the wifi module stops working with a lot of kernel error messages. “brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_dpc: failed backplane access over SDIO”
But this pin should not be connected in any way with the wifi module (except ground)?!

Zero with 16gb emmc and 4gb ram - Hardware Rev. is 1.51


which image are you using?
role of OTG port can be configured by software (dts file).

currently default role is “otg” on our 5.10.x kernel, but it can be “host” by reverting below commit

on latest (5.19.x) kernel, default is “host”.

Hi thanks for the answer - the schematics are hard to read because there is text over the components.

USBOTG_B_ID is NOT connected to 6D1 - it is connected to a capacitor (6C2?)
Cant read the markings - please correct the component markings.
