Radxa Zero 3w Wifi problem

I recently bought radxa 3w for my tinkering, whenever i try to update and upgrade the packages, the interface.d from /etc/network/interface.d/* is deleted which upon reboot removes my wifi and bluetooth access, i have tried backup the interface.d and move it back to the main but still the same problem. I tried to download the driver for the wifi chip but couldn’t find any, I download the debian os 6b for my zero 3w, any help and suggestions is welcomed. Thank you

you would need the firmware together with the wifi modules to get the wifi working.
the firmware are located at /lib/firmware.
see if they are present in your main

You may also consider trying other 3rd party image.
I think dietpi worth trying


This is a known issue and has been fixed and is waiting to be updated to the apt repo, again the previous temporary solution was to manually delete the /lib/udev/rules.d/99-radxa-aic8800.rules file and restart