Radxa Zero - 2GB RAm with 8GB EMMC - no WIFI

Same exact problem here, with identical symptoms.

Don’t have the boards anymore, they were returned to supplier. Apparently lots of other customers who bought same boards have the same problem.

I’ve tried all the Ubuntu flavoured official Radxa images available from the wiki download page as well as the Manjaro image. Note about the Manjaro image - there seems to be a weird display issue on that distro that causes a green hue on the screen - made me think there was something wring with my HDMI cable, but other distros display correct.

As of late we are producing Radxa Zero with AW-CM256SM wireless module due to part shortage. This requires additional firmware and is now included in our latest image. We expect 3rd part distros to follow suit soon.

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Hello Yuntian,

can you say when the drivers will be included in the manjaro release? I used latest 22.06 from their GitHub repo and AW-CM2568M doesn’t work. Only working image seems to be Debian as of now.

Is there a way to manually add the drivers after installation as I can’t find any drivers for the module?


Don’t use 22.06. Always download the latest build from Manjaro since they are a rolling release. Let me know if that still gives you problem.

22.06 is their latest release isnt’t it?

Release 21. June 2022

Even if I download from Manjaro.org instead of https://github.com/manjaro-arm/radxa-zero-images/releases, latest Arm Release for Radxa Zero is 22.06

OK that’s odd. They usually will pump out more builds.

I’ll check this.

Hey Yuntian,

have you already been able to find out something?

I’m also not able to boot latest Armbian Ubuntu Focal with xfce (https://github.com/radxa-build/radxa-zero/releases/download/20220801-0213/Armbian_22.08.0-trunk_Radxa-zero_focal_current_5.10.134_xfce_desktop.img.xz) from SD-Card. Maybe you could check this too?


Installed release 22.08 of Manjaro today. Unfortunately still no drivers…

Yes this is something I’m aware. I’ll get someone in our team to take a look on this issue.

Hello Yuntian,

since it’s more than a month now since last update I wanted to ask, if you have been able to gather further information about this issue and when it could be solved approximately?

Sorry. I assigned this to another engineer initially. However, he was missing some testing equipment so other tasks were assigned to him, and I forgot to follow up on it. I have reassigned this to @RadxaNaoki, since I also assigned another Zero issue to him earlier today.

pics or it didn’t happen (page translated from Chinese to English):

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Ok nice. Could you keep me up to date if there is a solution in sight?

We saved this forum post in the issue tracker, so we know who to contact once we solve the issue.

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Hello Yuntian,

is there any news? It’s quite frustrating that I can’t use my Wi-Fi on the zero still.

Is still Debian the only image with working wifi on AW-CM2568M?

I tested Manjaro on my sample boards lately, and they could not boot for some reason…I’m still investigating this.

Hello Yuntian,

maybe I can help out here. I had this issue also. In my case the bootloader seems to try to boot from an older boot partition, that is no longer on the card. Maybe that’s your issue too. You need to modify one particular file from rescue mode and remove one line with the old partition there. Unfortunately I don’t know the filename anymore.

Maybe this helps you out.

could you try this?

Check latest Armbian images. They have been recreated two days ago, but can’t 100% confirm if they work as don’t have this hardware. Waiting for confirmation from our maintainer https://www.armbian.com/radxa-zero/ … but its worth trying.

Hello Naoki,
sry for the late answer. This works for me :+1:
Thank you very very much for finally getting this to work.
Unfortunately it is still not included in the newest manjaro-image as I’m writing this.