Radxa X2L - automatically boot when power

Hello to all,

First time user and a newbie. I have a Radxa X2L and I’m working on making a dedicated retro game system. So far so good. However, part of my project is to install the X2L in a custom case with its own power up button. I was planning on having the main power linked to a button in the case, and when turned on, the X2L will get power and automatically boot to the installed OS.

I was wondering if there is a feature in the BIOS to allow this. I know it allows Wol and RTC but have not been able to find the feature of Auto power on. Can someone be able to enlighten me? If this is not available, what other options would you recommend?

Thank you very much.

X2L support auto power on by default.
You can disable this function at BIOS, Path is Chipset—South Cluster Config—Miscellaneous Config—State after G3.

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