Radxa ROCK 5B Blue Edition

I found this: https://arace.tech/products/radxa-rock-5b-blue?variant=42502489931956

I used duckduckgo and google to search “ROCK 5B Blue” and only 2 other sites link to this.

There is no mention of this on radxa website. Is this real?

I have not heard of arace.tech, it is not listed on https://wiki.radxa.com/Distributors, is it ok to buy from them?

radxa /roducts/rock5/5b/ mentions 4, 8, 16. 24 GB of ram; not 32 GB.

What arace.tech is selling?

Sorry, I had to edit this to remove more than 2 links, I was trying to be specific to what I was referencing.

It’s legit, jack talked about it here.