I wanted to create a GameBoyZero using a Radxa.
However, I did something and now it is heating like crazy when I power it (it takes like 2-3 seconds for it to be unbearable hot if I touch it, so I cut the power).
I think it’s broken.
What I did:
- I wired my gameboy components, but for now only the power part (usb-c adapter, a switch, a power booster set up to 5.3V, and then the screen and the radxa)
- when powering the radxa directly (usb cable to the radxa), the screen worked and I could play games
- but when powering using my usb-c adapter, everything seemed to work (led lighting on radxa, screen showing EmuElec boot logo), and then it seemed to reset (and enter a loop: booting up, then reset before I could see EmuElec dashboard)
- therefore, while powered up, I (slightly) increased the power booster output voltage, but then everything went black and the radxa began heating like crazy
- I stopped everything, and tried the radxa alone using a standard usb-c wall plug (which seems to deliver only like 4.7V or something, btw) but the radxa did not boot and heated like crazy
I wonder:
- is my radxa dead? (I think so)
- what caused it to die? Is it because I gave it like 5.5V?
- can I repair it?
- before it died, why would the system reboot-loop? If I only wired the screen and not the radxa, the screen itself did not loop/reset
Thank you kindly for any input!